Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

Chariot Strikes
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Reference: Fighting Chariots, Page 76.

When a chariot charges into an enemy unit a variable number of wounds is inflicted as a result, usually D6 or D6+2 if the chariot has scythed wheels. Normally, these hits are worked out against the troops comprising the unit, but sometimes this can be inappropriate _ if the rank struck contains only characters for example!

A charging chariot often ends up base-to-base with a mix of characters and ordinary troops in the same unit. If the chariot is touching at least one ordinary trooper then all the hits can be worked out against the unit if the attacking player prefers.

On the other hand the player might sooner spread the hits amongst characters and ordinary troops. If the chariot is touching a mix of characters, or a mix of characters and ordinary troops, then hits can be allocated evenly amongst them. The player can decide where odd hits go, but must distribute them as evenly as possible.

For example - a chariot smashes into a unit of Goblins and ends up touching 2 Goblin Spearmen, a Champion and a Shaman. The Chariot rolls a total of 6 hits. Allocating these as evenly as possible equals 2 hits on the Spearmen, 1 on the Champion and 1 on the Shaman - with 2 left over which the player sensible allocates 1 each to the Champion and Shaman.

Bear in mind that this allocation of hits only applies because the chariot is an indiscriminate machine. Attacks from the crew are worked out as normal, the player can decide which of the models in base contact he will attack.

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