Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

And Finally... (Appendix)
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Well, I've been playing and writing about Warhammer now for more years than any sane man would admit. Fourteen years in fact. A more enjoyable way to earn a living would be hard to imagine. I'd like to thank each and every Warhammer player for their continuing enthusiasm and support for the game. It's only fair to say that this latest version is as much a product of my fellow Warhammer players as it is of either myself or the other designers and developers at Games Workshop.

Before signing off I'd like to make a plea about queries, questions and 'officialdom' in the Warhammer hobby. I have always taken the view that Warhammer is inherently adaptable, that the rules and ideas in the game are a springboard to better and greater things. I would openly encourage players who wish to develop the game to suit themselves to invent and change rules to their own taste, and to explore their own ideas about rules, modelling, scenery and background.

If you are a new or inexperienced player, perhaps collecting your first army and learning the game, then you will be reassured to learn that Games Workshop will happily answer any queries about the Warhammer rules that you might have. Questions posted to us will be answered as quickly as possible either by our special customer service team or by our designers and developers. Answers to commonly asked or especially interesting questions are published in White Dwarf magazine.

Those who play Warhammer regularly will soon acquire the experience that enables players to sort out rules queries to their own satisfaction. Most gaming groups evolve their own way of doing things, resolving unforeseen circumstances in an agreeable manner, and inventing new rules to suit themselves. This is what makes gaming such an absorbing and fascinating hobby, Indeed, Warhammer would be all the poorer were it not for the influx of ideas and innovation from its many devotees.

Rick Priestly