Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

Wounds (Close Combat)
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Not all successful hits are going to harm your enemy some may rebound from armour or bounce off tough hide, while others may cause only superficial damage which doesn't prevent the creature fighting. Once you have hit your foe you must roll again to see whether your hits inflict wounds.

This procedure is exactly the same as described for shooting. Consult the table below, cross referencing the attacker's Strength (S) with the defender's Toughness (T). Both values appear on the profiles of the creatures fighting. The chart indicates the minimum score on a D6
required to cause a wound.

N. Where the table shows an 'N' this indicates that the target is simply too tough for you to hurt. N stands for no effect - or no chance!


To use the chart first find your weapon's Strength down the left hand side. Now cross reference this against your target's Toughness along the top. Where the two lines meet is a number, which is the minimum score required on a D6 to score a wound.

Roll a D6, if you score equal to or more than the score required you have wounded your target. If you score less then the hit has caused no appreciable damage.

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