Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

Jump Up and Down
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This is another attack which only works against victims which are more or less man-sized. The Giant jumps up and down vigorously on top of the enemy unit. Before he starts to bounce the Giant must test to see whether he falls over. If he falls over work out where he falls and calculate casualties as described already. Assuming he remains on his none too nimble feet the Giant bounds up and down over the unit cackling madly.

The unit sustains 2D6 Strength 7 hits. Work out damage and saves as normal. Giants enjoy jumping up and down so much that a Giant who starts jumping on his enemy may be so carried away by excitement that he won't stop. If a Giant jumps up and down then at the start of his next hand-to- hand phase he must test against his Leadership to stop. If he rolls equal to or less than his Leadership (ie, 6 or less) then the Giant may stop jumping and can attack as the player wishes. Otherwise the Giant must jump up and down again, and must test to fall over beforehand.

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