Once you have established where the stone lands damage can be worked out. Any model that lies directly under the hole is hit automatically - note that only one model can lie within the hole and if there is any doubt it is the model which is under the exact centre that is hit. Models whose bases lie under the rest of the template are hit on a D6 roll of 4+.
You will have to use your judgement and common sense to decide exactly which models lie under the template sometimes it is not easy to judge precisely. As a rule of thumb a model can be considered as a potential hit if at least half of its base area lies under the template, while models whose bases are only touched or grazed can be ignored.

Once you have worked out which models are struck by your missile work out damage in the usual way. Roll for each target to see whether you cause damage. Stone throwers have a Strength of 7 or more, so they cause damage on the roll of a 2+ against most human or similarly sized targets. Refer to the damage chart for details. A damaging hit from a stone thrower causes either D3 or D6 wounds depending on its size, but as most creatures have only 1 wound it is not necessary to take this dice roll. It is, however, useful when attacking characters and big monsters.
No armor saving throw is permitted against wounds from a stone thrower. When a big rock lands on you you are squashed regardless of what armour you may be wearing!