Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

Characteristics - Frequently Asked Questions
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Do the characteristics printed in an army list include the modifications due to equipment and special rules?

No. Unless otherwise stated, the profiles contain base statistics. This means that units and characters armed with halberds or double-handed weapons need to add the appropriate strength modifier before determining the strength of their attack. Mounted chargers also need to add the appropriate strength bonus for spears and lances, and troops with flails need to add the strength bonus for the first round of hand-to-hand combat. This also applies to the strength bonus Witch Elves receive for their poisoned weapons. Units that have heavy armour and shield, or barding need to modify their movement appropriately.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

When choosing an army, what is the minimum initial size of a unit?

Unless stated otherwise, a unit must consist of at least 5 figures. These 5 models may include a champion character or leader, a musician and a regimental standard bearer.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What happens when a unit has less than 5 figures in it?

If a unit has less than five models in it missile hits are randomized in a suitable way. In this way it is possible to hit characters within a unit.

Source: Rulebook, p. 63

What is the maximum characteristic value?

Normally, stats other than movement, wounds and attacks are rated on a scale of 1 through 10.

Source: Rulebook, p. 6

Is it possible to exceed a characteristic value of 10?

The stat numbers are for an unequipped model. Equipment and magic item bonuses are added to the profile values.

In rare cases, the number of attacks (A), the number of wounds (W), and leadership (LD) may be raised above 10 by magical means or the use of some special ability.

A weapon skill (WS) of zero means the model cannot attack or defend itself. Combat attacks against such models automatically hit.
A ballistic skill (BS) of zero means the model is unable to use missle weapons.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation