Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

Frequently Asked Questions
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The frequently asked questions listed below are from The Warhammer Fantasy Battles FAQ, version 5.014, last updated on December 17, 1998 by the Direwolf Council for 5th edition. Also seeĀ Errata & Amendments.

How to use this FAQ: Warhammer should always be played in the way that gives most enjoyment to both players. These FAQS are an invaluable resource for resolving rule disputes and ambiguities and is intended to offer a balanced and fair form of play.
Situations may arise that are not completely covered by the Rulebook where there is no clear rule and players cannot come to a reasonable agreement. In that situation players should agree to roll a D6 and on a roll of 1-3 player A may decide, on a 4-6 player B may decide.

White Dwarf is used for answers that come from articles published in White Dwarf magazine.

Warhammer Design Team is used to indicate for answers that come directly from Jervis Johnson, Andy Chambers, Rick Priestley and/or Tuomas Pirinen.

Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation is used to indicate those answers that have been approved by overwhelming majority vote of the Direwolf FAQ Council.

Official Games Workshop FAQ refers to rulings taken from the official Games Workshop FAQ.

"Arcane Magic" refers to a publication put out by Games Workshop during the tenure of the 4th edition magic system.

"Figure" and "Model": The terms figure and model are used synonymously. A figure or a model is either a single figure, or a group of miniatures that are connected and moved together.

"Unit": Whereas a unit, by definition, is several unconnected figures or models, a sole figure or model is in fact considered to be a "unit" (a "unit of one") under the rules. Any rule that applies to a unit therefore also applies to a single figure unless a distinct rule for lone figures is stated.

"House Rule": This term is applied to playing conventions adopted by a significant number of Warhammer players and members of the Direwolf FAQ Council.

Currently displaying all results.


Can I attack my own units?

As a general rule, players should never deliberately attack their own units in order to gain an advantage during a game. This applies for the Shooting, Close Combat and Magic Phases.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation


Do the characteristics printed in an army list include the modifications due to equipment and special rules?

No. Unless otherwise stated, the profiles contain base statistics. This means that units and characters armed with halberds or double-handed weapons need to add the appropriate strength modifier before determining the strength of their attack. Mounted chargers also need to add the appropriate strength bonus for spears and lances, and troops with flails need to add the strength bonus for the first round of hand-to-hand combat. This also applies to the strength bonus Witch Elves receive for their poisoned weapons. Units that have heavy armour and shield, or barding need to modify their movement appropriately.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

When choosing an army, what is the minimum initial size of a unit?

Unless stated otherwise, a unit must consist of at least 5 figures. These 5 models may include a champion character or leader, a musician and a regimental standard bearer.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What happens when a unit has less than 5 figures in it?

If a unit has less than five models in it missile hits are randomized in a suitable way. In this way it is possible to hit characters within a unit.

Source: Rulebook, p. 63

What is the maximum characteristic value?

Normally, stats other than movement, wounds and attacks are rated on a scale of 1 through 10.

Source: Rulebook, p. 6

Is it possible to exceed a characteristic value of 10?

The stat numbers are for an unequipped model. Equipment and magic item bonuses are added to the profile values.

In rare cases, the number of attacks (A), the number of wounds (W), and leadership (LD) may be raised above 10 by magical means or the use of some special ability.

A weapon skill (WS) of zero means the model cannot attack or defend itself. Combat attacks against such models automatically hit.
A ballistic skill (BS) of zero means the model is unable to use missle weapons.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

The Turn


What is the proper order for Declaring Charges?

  1. Declare all charges.

  2. Declare all charge reactions.

  3. Chargers take a terror or fear test if defenders cause terror or fear. If the test is failed and the chargers must flee, move during the Compulsory Movement phase.

  4. Defenders take a terror or fear test if chargers cause terror or fear and are within charge range. Measure but do not move chargers to see if they can complete the charge. Defenders that fail a terror test, or that fail a fear test and are outnumbered, must flee. Move the defenders immediately.

  5. Defenders take a panic test if already engaged in combat and charged in the flank or rear by a unit of 5+ models. Measure but do not move chargers to see if they can complete the charge. Defenders that fail a panic test must flee. Move the defenders immediately. If opposing units in base contact won the previous round of combat, the units may pursue. Work out the pursuit moves immediately.

  6. Resolve stand and shoot missile fire. Remove casualties. If the charging unit panics, move during the Compulsory Movement phase.

  7. Move units that declared Flee as the charge reaction. If the unit that is fleeing is engaged in combat, enemy units may pursue if they won the previous round of combat. Work out the pursuit immediately.

  8. Chargers may redirect the charge to another unit if the enemy flees. Repeat all the above steps for a redirected charge. Enemy units that become chargeable because the fleeing unit moved out of the way cannot choose Stand and Shoot as the charge reaction.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What are the conditions for Rallying Fleeing Troops?

  1. Only units with 25% or more of its original number of troops may attempt to rally. Units that panicked during this turn may not attempt to rally.

  2. Associated characters, other than Champions, do not count towards the unit's original size in determining 25%.

  3. A player may rally troops in any order he wishes - once a fleeing general is rallied, other fleeing troops may attempt to rally on his leadership if within 12 inches.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What happens during Compulsory Movement?

All fleeing units are moved now. Units with mandatory movement rules are also moved now. Move the units in any order you wish.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What is the proper order for moving chargers?

  1. Measure and move charging units. Note that units moved during the Compulsory Movement phase may suddenly interefere with a charge, causing it to fail.

  2. If a charging unit touches any model in a fleeing unit, the entire fleeing unit is destroyed. Charging units are moved their full movement through fleeing units.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What happens during Remaining Movement?

Move remaining units.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

When is a model considered off the board?

When any part of its base is over the edge of the board.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a unit march moves this turn, and is engaged in hand-to-hand combat next turn, does it suffer any penalty?

No. If during its turn a unit march moves, and during the opponent's turn a unit engages it in hand-to-hand combat, it fights normally.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a chariot model march move?

No. Note that the Dwarf Anvil of Doom is specifically excluded from this rule.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a unit charge more than 1 enemy unit?

Yes, but unless the charging unit is able to contact all the enemies it declared its charge against, then count it as a failed charge. Note that if the charge fails the unit can't move closer than 1" to an enemy unit, even if said enemy was one of the units it declared a charge against (i.e. you must get all or none!)

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a character leave a unit and charge the enemy in the same turn?

No. Note, this rule does not apply to characters who are affected by frenzy or who have the Berserker Sword. Such characters MUST charge out of their units if they are in charge range of an enemy unit at the start of their turn.

Source: Rulebook, p. 61

How much of my unit has to be in contact with another unit before they are considered in hand-to-hand combat?

If any part of the charging unit makes contact with its target, align the units into combat with each other. It can happen that a situation is confusing because of interposing terrain or models which make it impossible to align the whole unit.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When a creature flying high comes down into hand-to-hand combat with an enemy unit, and that unit chooses to flee, can it pursue or redirect its charge?

No, when a flying High figure comes down into hand-to-hand combat, it cannot pursue, and cannot redirect its charge.

Source: Rulebook, p. 73

Do stand and fire missile casualties apply towards combat resolution?

No, they can only cause a panic test (if 25% or more casualties caused). If the attacking unit fails its panic test, it flees instead of successfully charging the defender.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 47

Can a unit or lone character stand and shoot at enemy units charging its flank or rear?

No. In order to shoot at an enemy unit it has to be in the unit's field of view; enemy units that are charging a unit's flank or rear are not in that unit's field of view.

Source: Rulebook, p. 24

Can War Machines stand and shoot?

No, except Jezzails and Warpfire Throwers. Warpfire Throwers cannot stand and shoot at creatures that attack from flying high.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

When you stand and shoot, how is it determined if its is long range or short range for the missile weapons?

Assuming the chargers began their charge move more than half their charge move away from the unit declaring stand and shoot, work out range for missile weapons at the actual range before chargers are moved. Missile weapons that are out of range before the chargers move are assumed to be fired or thrown as soon as the chargers come into range. In both cases, a -1 to hit modifier is applied in addition to any long range shooting penalty that may apply.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can you stand and fire at a unit or character who charges via magic?

No. The unit that is being attacked by the magically moved unit/character does not have time to react to the charge. This means that the only charge reaction allowed for magically moved attackers is 'hold'.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When is the effect for a breath weapon worked out for stand and shoot?

If charging foe is within range when the charge is declared, the damage for the breath weapon is worked out before the charging unit moves. If the charging unit is not is range for the breath weapon, move the unit until the breath weapon template covers (50% or more of the base) members of the front rank of the unit, then work out damage.

Source: Warhammer Design Team


What is the Shooting Phase?

Includes missile fire, artillery, breath weapons, etc. Normally, you declare which unit is going to shoot, work out all dice rolls, casualties and panic, then move on to another unit. In addition, note the following house rules, offered in the interest of good sportsmanship:

All firing that requires range guessing by the player should be declared before the commencement of any other missile fire. After you declare all your ranges, work out the shooting for these units. This is done so that the player does not gain any benefit from measurements made to resolve other missile fire hits.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can missile weapons be shot over other units?

Only if the unit shooting is at a higher elevation (e.g., deployed on a hill) or has a special rule (e.g., Stegadon Howdah).

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can missile weapons be shot over forward ranks?

Only if the rank shooting is at a higher elevation (e.g., deployed on a hill) or has a special rule (e.g., Bretonnian bowmen and High Elven archers).

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a unit shoot from all ranks if it is deployed on a 'flat' hill?

Yes. Hills, no matter how they are actually modeled, are assumed to have slope that allows models to see over each other.

Suggestion: Negotiate hill rules before the game. Conventions for modeling terrain may vary.

Source: Rulebook p. 25 / White Dwarf# 225 / Warhammer Design Team / GT

Can war machines shoot at enemy units it cannot see?

War machines must target an enemy unit it can see. War machines that employ range guessing may shoot over a visible enemy target to strike an enemy target hidden from view. No rule prevents such war machines from guessing long.

Source: Chronicles of War, p. 5

Does a large monster or a character mounted on a large monster gain line of sight over regular (man-sized) creatures (like troops elevated on a hill)? Does a large monster or character mounted on a monster gain line of sight over cavalry sized creatures?

No and no.

House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggest the following house rule. Large monsters (and characters riding them) can see over other models apart from other large monsters. This also means that large monsters and characters riding large monsters can be seen if they are behind foot-sized or mounted-knight size units (and potentially missile fire aimed there way).

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do missile fire units have to shoot the first target in their path, even if they have elevation (hill or tower) to see over intervening troops?

If a unit has unrestricted view of the enemy, the enemy is within the 90-degree fire arc and it is within range, they can shoot it.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a breath attack be made while engaged in hand-to-hand combat?

No, except for the War Hydra and Dragons.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves / Battle Book, p. 125

Are template hits and cannon ball damage to a unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat shared between the units engaged in hand-to-hand combat?

If the template is positioned so that it only touches models from one side and none of these models are actually fighting, then the hits are applied only to that unit. If the template touches any models from either side who are engaged in hand-to-hand fighting, then distribute the number of hits equally between both sides.

Source: Rulebook, p. 26

Can a character not in a unit be targeted for missile fire?

If a character is within 5" of a unit of 5 or more models he can only be targeted if he is the closest model to the shooter. If a character is more than 5" away from a unit, he may be freely targeted.

Source: Rulebook, p. 63

Does a bolt thrower aimed at a character in a unit cause a "Look Out Sir!" roll?

No. The bolt thrower is considered traditional missile fire and must obey targeting rules for missile fire. Therefore, for unit of 5 or more figures, it only kills rank and file troopers.

Source: Rulebook, p. 84

A unit consists of more than 7 models, 5 rank and file and 2 heroes. 6 Missile hits affect the unit, how are wounds resolved?

As long as the unit starts with more than 5 models at the start of the missile fire phase, all hits are applied to rank and file models. The characters cannot be hit in this round of shooting.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 63

How are casualties against characters resolved when a unit contains 5 or more rank and file models?

Strictly according to the rules, if a unit has 5 or more rank and file models then associated characters cannot be hit by missile fire, even if enough wounds are caused to completely wipe out all of the models in the unit. Players that wish for more complexity should feel free to invent their own house rules for this situation.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a character with a missile weapon get to fire as many missiles as its number of attacks?

No, all models get 1 missile attack. The number of attacks listed as a characteristic is the number of attacks in hand-to-hand combat.

Source: Rulebook, p. 6

According to the rules all creatures with 2 or more wounds are large. Do this really means that missiles get +1 then shooting at Harpies? Beastmen? Unicorns?

The rules about having more than 1 wound are used to determine if a mount is considered a monster mount or a steed. Therefore, there is no +1 missile fire bonus for shooting at Harpies, Beastmen and Unicorns. Only "big" monsters suffer the +1 to be hit penalty.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 68

Are to hit modifiers such as (character, skirmish formation, soft cover, hard cover) cumulative?

Yes. The only combination that is not cumulative is (character & skirmish formation) and (soft cover & hard cover). Combinations of (character & soft cover), (character & hard cover), (skirmish & soft cover), (skirmish & hard cover) are valid cumulative to hit modifiers.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When shooting at a lone character riding a monster, what are the "to hit" modifiers?

+1 to hit due to large sized model.

Note that the -1 to hit modifier only applies when shooting at single man-sized character model. This means that shooting at a character on a horse would count a 0 to hit modifier (larger than man-sized, but not a large target).

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook

Do pistols suffer a -1 to hit at long range?

Yes. Pistol rules contain no wording that exempt it from the long range penalty.

House Rule: Given the limited range of pistols, it is suggested that pistols be exempt from the long range penalty.

Source: Rulebook / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do Warmachines need line of sight to shoot at the enemy?

Yes, however all elevated war machines gain line of sight over friendly troops. It is suggested that warmachines should be allowed to shoot over hostile troops to other hostile units behind them. Note, it is suggested that the goblin Doomdiver should not need line of sight and may be shot over friendly troops, as he picks his target from the air.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Is it possible to get an armour saving throw better than 1+?

No! Anything (ie magic items, wargear, steeds, etc) which increases a model's armour save can never increase it to greater than 1+, under any circumstances whatsoever.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Close Combat

Do items that increase the number of attacks add attacks before or after the "double attacks" characteristic of frenzy?

Frenzy doubles the base number of attacks, then add the extra attack due to 2nd hand weapon, magic weapon, etc.

Source: Rulebook, p. 51

Can I combine two effects that double attacks to get quadruple attacks?

No. The best you can do is double the base number of attacks. Anything on top of that has no effect.

Source: White Dwarf #222

When does the 2nd rank of spearmen get to attack?

The second rank of spearmen get to attack on any round that they did not charge into combat. Therefore, if they receive a charge they get to attack. The 2nd rank of spearmen will always get to fight in the 2nd round of hand-to-hand combat.

Source: Rulebook, p. 55

A unit of spearmen is charged in the flank or rear. How many rows of spears get to fight the attackers?

The models armed with spears directly behind the models involved in the combat may fight with spears (two rows may fight).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters wield a magic weapon and a 2nd hand weapon?

No, unless he has special rules that allow him to.

Source: Warhammer Magic, p. 32

How are casualties resolved when an attacker does multiple wounds to rank and file that has multiple wounds (i.e., a character with a Bone Blade attacks Beastmen having 2 wounds each)?

For the first unsaved wounding hit (as per Warhammer Magic, p. 32), determine the number of wounds caused. If this kills the rank and file soldier, then the next wounding hit is applied to the another rank and file soldier, otherwise the next wounding hit is applied to the same soldier until he is dead. Note that wounds do not spill over from one rank and file soldier to the next.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a frenzied Khorne Lord with a Frostblade kill a different mummy with every attack?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a figure with multiple attacks split attacks between enemy models?

Yes. How many attacks are directed at what models must be decided before any combat results are determined.

Source: Rulebook, p. 63

A character has an always strike first magic item (Rune of Swiftness, Bad Moon Banner, Helm of Many Eyes) and an Assassin leaps out of an enemy unit to surprise attack the character. Who strikes first, the assassin or the character?

Consult the magic item card which confers the first strike ability. Most magic items which confer first strike ability explicitly say to resolve this in initiative order, and if both initiatives are equal, roll a D6. Suggested Amendment: If both models have first strike ability, resolve in initiative order or roll a D6 if both initiatives are equal.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Two units enter combat, each has a disguised Assassin in it that wants to reveal himself and attack an enemy character, which Assassin gets to strike first?

Roll a die to determine. Suggested Amendment: When opposing models have first strike ability, resolve in initiative order, or roll a D6 if initiatives are equal.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / White Dwarf #222

When a character is removed from his position in a unit to fight a challenge, does a rank and file member of the unit fill his position and fight in hand-to-hand combat?

No. Please note that moving the two models is only a suggestion to make it clear they are fighting a challenge. The actual rule is that the challengers are moved so they are opposite each other, but remain within their respective units.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 64

If a unit is charged from the flank or rear, can characters in the front rank issue challenges?

Only if he is already fighting in close combat.

Source: Rulebook, p. 64

If a character riding a monster is challenged, does the monster fight normally or only in the challenge?

The monster can only fight in the challenge.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A character riding a chariot is challenged. How are attacks and automatic hits distributed?

Automatic hits should be distributed between characters and rank and file as evenly as possible, pursuant to the commentary on p. 108 of the rules. Only the character in the chariot and the steeds fight in the challenge, while the other members of the chariot crew are not allowed to fight. Other members from the unit may not attack the chariot during a challenge.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Who strikes first in a challenge?

Use the normal rules for striking order. Unless some weapon penalty or magical effect applies, the charger would normally strike first.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a character in a unit declines a challenge, does the unit get to use that characters leadership for break tests (or is it prevented from doing this while the character is hiding in the back of the unit)?

The 5th edition Rulebook states "the retired character may not fight or do anything else that turn." However the Warhammer Design Team have stated that the unit can use the character's leadership.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 64

An enemy unit has a character and a disguised Assassin in it, a character in my unit issues a challenge, can his Assassin attack my character before the challenge is resolved?

No. Challenges are made before Assassins are revealed. This means that an Assassin cannot take part in a challenge on the turn he is revealed, and may not attack characters that are involved in a challenge either.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

The only known character in an enemy unit is a Dark Elf Assassin, can a challenge be issued to that unit that the Assassin must answer (or not fight)? What if the only known character in the enemy unit is a Skaven Assassin?

Yes and Yes. Although Skaven Assassins are listed in the Regiment section of the army list, they are treated as characters for the purposes of challenges.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

How do you resolve who strikes first when both opponents have magic items that allow them to always strike first (or when one is an assassin and his surprise attack allows him to always strike first?

Consult the rules for each magic item. In general, attacks are resolved in Initiative order. If the combatants have equal initiatives, then roll a D6. Items such as the Helm of Many Eyes, the Sword of Swift Slaying and the Bad Moon Banner all state this explicitly on the item cards. Suggested Amendment: If both models have the first strike ability, always resolve in initiative order, and then roll a D6 if the initiatives are equal.

Source: White Dwarf #222

How do you resolve who strikes first during a charge when opponents both have double handed weapons requiring them both to strike last?

If both sides are armed this way the side with the highest initiative strikes first

Source: Rulebook, p. 54

Who strikes first if both sides have the same initiative, in turns following the charge?

The side that won combat the previous turn goes first or if that doesn't apply roll a D6.

Source: Rulebook, p. 34

A unit or character has both a magic item that allows him to strike first and a double handed weapon that typically must strike last. Does the character/unit strike first or last?

Roll a D6 at the start of each combat to decide which takes precedence. Suggested Amendment: Magical first strike ability takes precedence over non-magical double-handed weapons.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Do halberds strike last, after all, they take two hands to use?

No, the Rulebook does not count them as "double-handed weapons."

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a magic weapon kills a model with multiple wounds, how is combat resolution affected?

Any figure with multiple wounds that is killed in hand-to-hand combat has all of its wounds apply towards combat resolution.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When is rank bonus computed for a combat, before or after a unit has taken casualties?

Compute the rank bonus before casualties have been taken out of the unit.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 39

A unit is attacked in the flank by an enemy unit. Does the enemy unit have to get 5 models engaged in hand-to-hand combat to get the +1 combat resolution bonus?

No, as long as there are 5 models in the enemy unit, the +1 combat resolution bonus is given.

Source: Warhammer Design Team and Rulebook, p. 39

Is rank bonus negated when a unit is lapped 'round?

No. Rank bonus is only negated when a unit is actually charged in the flank.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

If multiple units are engaging a single enemy unit, are there two different combat resolutions (one for each unit against the enemy)?

No. Once all the units are engaged, it is considered a single combat.

Source: Rulebook, p. 39

Can a unit move out of combat that is engaged with the enemy?

No, never. If a unit is engaged with 2 enemy units, and 1 enemy unit flees, it may not pursue as long as it is in contact with the other enemy unit.

Source: Rulebook, p. 43

Can a unit be magically transported out of combat?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a unit is in combat with 2 enemy units and both enemy units break and flee, can I choose which one to chase?

Yes, even if the unit winning the combat has frenzy.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a character/unit that magically is transported onto a fleeing unit destroy that unit?

Yes, the unit does not have time to flee.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a unit flees, and during the flee cannot avoid contact with an enemy unit, is it destroyed?

No, its fleeing movement is halted 1" from enemy unit. Units can only come into contact with enemy units by charging.

If a situation should arise where the fleeing unit can flee through a gap that the pursuing troops couldn't fit through, then the pursuing troops should be allowed to chase after the opponent. This would be allowed as long as no individual model in the unit moves further than the distance rolled on the dice (effectively the pursuing troops move in the same way as the fleeing troops). The pursuing unit may end up in an odd formation. This is not intended to allow pursuing units to change formation willy-nilly; they may only change formation in order to catch an opponent.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do fleeing troops always move towards the nearest table edge?

No. The summary card is wrong - fleeing troops always move towards their own table edge during compulsory moves if at all possible.

Source: Rulebook, p. 42

A pursuing unit rolls high enough to overrun a fleeing unit. Does the pursuing unit move the full distance rolled, or does it stop once it makes contact with the fleeing unit?

The pursuing unit moves its full distance. The fleeing unit is removed from the game.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

A pursuing unit rolls high enough to overrun a fleeing unit, but the pursuers contact a second unit before it can reach and overrun the fleeing unit. Is the fleeing unit still destroyed?

No. The rules judge the fleeing unit as caught based upon the distance each unit actually moves. That is why terrain penalties are factored in. The rule book does not enumerate every possible battlefield condition that might restrict a pursuer's movement. One should factor in all conditions that restrict movement.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation


Does a unit have to take a panic test if a lone character is slain within 12"

Only if the model had 5 or more wounds on its profile (or was the general).

Source: Rulebook, p. 47

When a unit wants to charge a terror-causing creature, does it take a terror test or a fear test?

A terror test. If it fails, it will flee.

Source: Rulebook, p. 49

A Model charges down from Flying High to attack a model that causes Terror. The charging model fails its Terror Test. What does it do?

It lands on the ground where it was intending to & flees 3D6", towards their starting table edge if possible. The unit that was charged does not get to pursue.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

If a terror causing creature is behind a wall and out of sight but still within 8" of my unit does the unit have to take a terror test?

No. Creatures whose view is obstructed by terrain don't cause terror tests. Note however that creatures behind a unit, or outside its "charge arc" are still "seen" for purposes of causing terror.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Against what number are the 25% casualties calculated for purposes of panic tests ?

The number of models in the unit is determined at the beginning of the phase.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a unit is within 12" of the Battle Standard, can it re-roll a psychology test if it needs to?

No. The Battle Standard only allows re-rolls of break tests.

Source: Rulebook, p. 88

Are units that are immune to psychology also immune to break tests?

No, not unless the unit description specifically states that the unit is immune to break tests. Psychology and break tests are "quite separate."

Source: Rulebook, p. 46

Do troops that have frenzy enter the battlefield frenzied?

Yes, although they do not ignore psychology tests until there is an enemy unit within charge "distance."

Source: Rulebook, p. 51

Does a frenzied unit ignore blood greed?

Yes. Once the unit is immune to psychology, it is immune to all psychology.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A Dwarven unit is in hand-to-hand combat with an Orc unit it hates and a giant that uses the "Yell and Bawl" attack. How is combat resolved?

Any wounds applied to the giant don't affect the combat results. The rest of the combat then carries on as normal.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A unit immune to psychology (but not immune to break tests) lost a round of combat to fear causing creatures that outnumber it, does it break?

No, because the unit ignores the fear in the first place, it is not affected by the automatic break rule.

Source: Warhammer Design Team


What non-magical weapons and armour are available to characters?

The non-magical weapons and armour available to characters depends upon the army that the character fights for. Every army book has an equipment list printed right before the discussion of the units and characters for the army. In that equipment list, any item that does not have a '*' by it is available to the characters of that army.

Champions of units must be armed and armoured the same as rank and file members of the unit (With a few exceptions such as Chaos or Undead Champions). Character points must be expended to equip unit champions.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Fleshounds are immune to attacks made by magical weapons, can a character switch to a regular weapon to attack these hounds? Do all characters have this 'free point cost' hand weapon? Some special characters don't have a non-magical hand weapon listed in their equipment. Is there any limit to characters changing weapons in a combat?

Characters may attack the Fleshounds with non-magical weapons (temporarily sheathing that magic Frostblade to use a regular axe, etc.). All special characters come with 1 non-magical hand weapon. A character may change weapons in a combat freely.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Warhammer Magic, p. 32

Heroes & Wizards

What is a Character?

Characters are defined as General, Battle Standard Bearer, Hero, Champion (and equivalent figures to heroes and champions, such as Plague Priests and Wardancer champions), Magic Users and in most cases, Assassins. As a general rule, if you pay "character points" for it (see your army book if you are unsure), it is subject to the special rules for characters.

Source: Rulebook / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

How do Characters interact with units?

As a general matter, it is good to remember that characters suffer the same fate as the units in which they are placed - they may not leave a unit when it breaks, nor may they attempt to rally when their unit is smaller than 25% of its original size. Moreover, with the exception of champions, characters do not gain the special abilities of the units in which they are placed - thus a character placed with a unit that is immune from breaking will still have to take break tests. Keeping these rules in mind will help avoid many rules disputes.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

How do Characters and unit psychology interact?

The 5th edition rules went a long way towards resolving any ambiguities in this area. If a unit suffers a psychological failure or breaks, any characters with that unit are subject to that liability, even if they would have been otherwise immune to it. Conversely, if a character is liable to a psychological rule or break test that the rest of the unit he is placed with is immune to, he must make any appropriate tests on his own and suffer the consequences alone, if he should fail.

The different Chaos champions of Slaneesh have a special rule that allows them to stay in hand-to-hand combat when the unit that they are in breaks. This is an exception to the general rule stated above.

Source: Rulebook, p. 65 / Warhammer Armies: Chaos, p. 42

Can a character leave a unit once it starts to flee?


As a notable exception Assassin (Skaven and Dark Elf) characters have a special rule that allows them to leave fleeing units.

Source: Rulebook, p. 65 / Warhammer Armies: Skaven / Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 40

In Warhammer, can a character on their own charge in any direction you like? What if they are mounted, or riding a monster?

Just like everybody else, characters can only charge a target they can see. In Warhammer, regiments and individual models can only see 90 degrees to their front, so if a unit is outside this arc they are safe.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

When is the battle standard lost?

When the Battle Standard Bearer character is killed. The Battle Standard Bearer is considered a character, and all of the character targeting rules for missile fire, hand-to-hand combat, and magic spells apply.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the battle standard allow re-rolls of all missed psychology checks?

No. The battle standard allows units within 12" to re-roll failed break tests; it does not allow re-rolls for failed panic, fear, or terror tests.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If there are too many characters to fit in the front rank of a unit, may the remainder be placed in the second rank?

No, characters are always placed in the front rank, unless the unit is in combat on another side.

Source: Rulebook, p. 61

Can a character mounted on a steed, chariot or monster join a foot unit? If so, does be get a "Look Out Sir!" roll?

Yes, and yes. Note, unlike earlier editions, in 5th edition this rule is not based on a rank and file member physically pushing the character out of the way, but merely giving him a warning shout.

Source: Rulebook, p. 63

Can a character mounted on a steed or monster in a unit be singled out for missile fire?

Yes and No. Whether a mounted character can be singled out for missile fire depends on his size relative to the size of the unit rank and file.

Source: Rulebook, p. 63


What is the proper base size for the different monsters?

There is no definitive base sizes for the different monsters, use what fits.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What monsters are considered large and what monsters are not?

This is up to the players' discretion.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can only creatures in contact with the monster's 40mm x 40mm base be able to attack the monster?

Allow figures to fight the monster if it seems reasonable, the figures do not have to be in contact with the base.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are Giant Eagles considered large monsters and thus +1 to be hit?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a Bat Swarm (flies 8") get to 'march-fly' 16"?


Source: Warhammer Design Team, Rulebook, p. 71 and Battle Book

Is the Wyvern's armour save modified by the attacker's strength?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If characters riding monsters are slain during hand-to-hand combat whilst flying high then how is the monster reaction table interpreted?

If the rider of a monstrous creature is killed whilst flying up, then the monster will fly off and takes no further part in the game.

Source: Rulebook, p. 74

There are some monsters not listed in the new Battle Book Bestiary which appear in other books IE., Lammasu, Great Taurus, etc. Are they subject to the Bound rules (like say a Wyvren), or not Bound (like a Dragon)?

Assume all dragons are not subject to the Bound Monster Rules, but all other monsters not covered in the Beastiary are subject to them.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Aerial Combat

Can a flying creature charge a unit or war machine, which is behind a wall or hedge?

Yes. Play it that fliers are not affected by the 'defended obstacle' rule (i.e. they hit normally).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do flyers charging the enemy's rear or flank negate rank bonus? Do they gain combat result modifiers for charging the in the flank or rear?

No and No. In reality the flyer is still wheeling above the unit. Combats are worked out against the target's front.

Note, this would not be the rule if the flyer charged using its ground movement.

Source: Rulebook, p. 72


How do lose units differ from ordinary units?

If a single model is involved in combat, the others can still move freely. Offensive and defensive spells only affect the targeted model.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What leadership value does a loose unit use?

If a champion/leader is in the unit, all chariots may use his leadership value. If the leader of a loose unit has the crown of command, all models in the leader's chariot get to use his unmodified leadership of 10, but break tests for other models in the loose unit would be modified.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 75

Do loose units block line of sight for purposes of shooting?

Loose units do not block line of sight (although the individual models do), unless the shooter is attempting to shoot between two models which are no more than 2 inches apart - in which case, treat the two models as skirmishers, which do block line of sight.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Is it possible to move a lone character or unit through a loose unit?

Yes, however note that unless charging, models which move to within 1 inch of an enemy model must immediately come to a halt.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation / Rulebook, p. 23

If a chariot runs over a war machine and crew, is it considered to have gone over rough terrain, sustaining damage?

Strictly according to the rules, No. Suggested house rule: roll a D6 to determine this in each case.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

A cannon ball passes through a chariot model, does the cannonball hit the chariot models it passes over, or does it cause 1 hit that is randomized?

The cannon ball causes one hit to a random location. Use the chariot shooting chart to determine location.

Studio House Rule: "In the studio we take the path of a cannon to be one long template. If in doubt, imagine the template to be the width of a range ruler or normal tape measurer (about one quarter inch wide) and as long as the path the ball takes from its initial bounce to the point it comes to rest."

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation / Official Games Workshop FAQ / Rulebook, p. 82

Can you buy champion crewmen for regimental chariot units?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do you double the cost of a chariot when you put a standard on it?

No, but having a standard on a chariot will not add +1 to combat resolution either.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does a chariot champion get a "Look Out Sir!" roll?

Yes, but note that there must be another model in the same chariot as the character.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters join loose formations of chariots?

A character may join a unit of chariots, but does not get into the chariot itself (he stays on foot, or horse, etc.).

House Rule: It is suggested that characters who "may ride" in chariots be allowed to join a loose unit of chariots.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When in hand-to-hand combat with a fear causing enemy, how many figures does a chariot count as?

A chariot counts as a single figure no matter how many crew or pulling beasts. Note, this is not the rule with respect to Undead Chariots.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 70

When a character rides in a chariot, is he "in base contact" for the purposes of magic items and spells as soon as the chariot's front touches the model in question?

Everything in contact with the chariot is considered to be in base to base contact with the character.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

War Machines

How many members of a war machine crew fight if engaged in hand-to-hand combat?

All of the crew are moved into base to base contact with the enemy and must fight.

Source: Warhammer Design Team and Rulebook, p. 79

Can all war machines make a free turn and fire at something that is out of the 90 degree arc in front of the machine (turn 180 degrees, 360 degrees to shoot)?

Yes. This includes Warpfire Throwers, bolt shooters and cannon for example, but obviously excludes the Doomwheel and the Steam tank as they have specific rules regarding turning.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A warmachine is forced to fire every other round due to a misfire. Is this cumulative with delays due to loss of crew? Cumulative with reload times?

Yes and Yes. The delays would be added together, such that the machine may actually only fire every third or fourth turn.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can any warmachines form batteries (Warpfire throwers, steam tanks, gyrocopters, etc)?

Yes if of the same type.

Source: Rulebook, p. 78

Are all identical warmachines within 5" of each other considered being in batteries?

No, the formation of batteries is optional. Note, unless a player declares such warmachines to be independent, it is assumed that they are a battery.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 78

Leaders, Standards & Musicians

How much do unit standard bearers and musicians cost?

Double the points of a normal figure in the unit. Include the cost of all of the equipment for a rank and file member of the unit before doubling it. Note, this rule does not apply to certain specified troop types such as Dragon Princes, Chaos knights, & Bretonnian knights.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do unit standard bearers, leaders and musicians have to be in the front rank?

Yes, towards the center. The Leader, who may either be a champion or an ordinary member of Rank and File only, must be placed in the center of the front rank.

Source: Rulebook, p. 61 & 86

Can units that are immune to psychology get unit standards and musicians?

Yes. There is nothing in the rules that exclude these units from getting unit standards.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a single unit have multiple standards?

A unit may only have a single unit standard bearer. The only time a unit may have 2 standards in it is if one of them is the unit standard, and the other is the battle standard.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation


What order should Wizards draw their spells from the Magic Decks?

The Dark Elf Sorcerers get to draw from the Dark Magic deck before all other types of spell casters, no matter what the level of the Dark Elf Sorcerer and the level of the other spell caster. This means that they get access to the Dark Magic Spell Deck before the various Chaos spell casters, and the various Undead spell casters.

To determine the drawing order between Dark Elf Sorcerers, the level of the spell caster is used (higher level drawing first).
Suggested House Rule: If some spell casters are of the same level, what type of spell caster they are determines the order. That order is:

  1. Dark Elf Sorcerer's drawing dark magic cards.

  2. High Elf and Wood Elf Mages.

  3. Dark Elf Sorcerers using decks other than dark magic.

  4. Chaos Sorcerers, Beastmen Shamans, Greater Daemons, and Necromancers.

  5. Lesser Daemons.

  6. Grey Seers, Orc Shamans, Skaven Warlocks and Human Mages.

  7. Goblin Shamans.

If 2 spell casters draw are tied, and draw from the same deck, use a die roll to determine which spell caster draws first (highest roll draws spells first). Breaking ties is not necessary if the 2 spell casters draw from entirely different decks.

Source: Based on 4th edition Warhammer Battle Magic Rulebook, p. 21-23 / Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 34

If I have no spell casters, can I still use Dispel Cards from Winds of Magic?

Yes. For non-Dwarf armies, the dispel will work on a basic die roll of 5+. The dispel may be boosted with power cards and the caster may reinforce as normal.

For Dwarf armies, the dispel will work on a basic die roll of 4+. The dispel may be boosted with power cards and the caster may reinforce as normal.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ / Warhammer Magic, p. 12 / Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 77

If I have a High Magic or Dark Magic spell caster, and I have another mage with a special ability to draw extra Winds of Magic cards, can that mage use power cards as dispels or special cards as power?

No. For example, assume an allied Empire and High Elf army, with a High Elf Mage (with High Magic), and the Grand Theogonist with Battle Magic spells. The Grand Theogonist gets his own D3+1 Winds of Magic cards, but could not use the High Elf Mage's ability to treat power cards as if they were dispel cards. What the Grand Theogonist gets in his draw he is stuck with.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A 'remains in play' spell is in play at the beginning of the Magic Phase. It moves randomly and moves off the board. Can the spell be recast during the current Magic Phase? What if the spell was cast in the Magic Phase and moved off the board in Magic Phase, can it be cast again in the Magic Phase?

A wizard who casts a spell which remains in play may dispel it automatically at the start of his own magic turn without expending a card to do so. He may cast the spell again that turn if he wishes.

Source: Warhammer Magic, p. 11

A wizard is in a unit that has pursued fleeing troops off the table or is otherwise off the table. Can the wizard cast spells on his own unit while off the table? At other units on or off the table?

No and no. Assume he has strayed too far from the winds of magic until he returns to the board.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a wizard who is off the table retain Winds of Magic Cards?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a figure has a '6' or better in a statistic (like initiative) and a spell states that the character has to roll under the statistic to avoid the effect, will that character automatically roll under the statistic (avoid the effect)?

No. A roll of '6' on the die is always considered a failure unless stated otherwise on the spell card.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Are there any restrictions on targeting characters with spells or magic item effects?

Yes. The same targeting restrictions that apply to missile fire governs a spell that affects a 'unit' or 'figure or unit.' If the spell can do a lot of damage to a unit, the spell caster is going to kill as many people as possible.

If a spell affects a 'single model', then characters can be targeted with impunity. Even if the character is within a unit they may be targeted.

Source: Warhammer Magic, p. 22

Is damage done to a chariot by a spell randomized?

There are two types of spell damage done to a chariot that are randomized per the charts in the Rulebook.

One is the damage done by a spell that states "the first model hit suffers a strength x hit that causes y wounds". This "first model in path" spell hits a random part of the chariot to do its damage.

The other type of damage done by a spell that is randomized is the spell that states "the unit suffers x strength y hits". Once the number of hits is determined, randomize where each hit potentially wounds.

Template spells affect everything under the template. Spells that can target a single model for damage can target any part of the

Note: In the case of the Dark Magic Spell Doombolt and other spells which attack war machines directly, all hits are assumed to be against the chariot chassis at Strength 10, and are therefore not randomized.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do chariots moved by magic means cause damage to units as if charging the unit?

The chariots get their charge damage only if the magic movement spells states 'counts as charging if moved into hand-to-hand combat.'

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a champion be moved out of a unit with a magical movement spell?

No. Unlike other characters, the Champion character cannot leave his unit as he wishes, and this applies to magic spell movement as well. Some spells allow the breaking up of units, and these can target the Champion of a unit.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When do you resolve fear/terror tests for magically transported troops?

No tests are required when the unit is moved, however a unit subject to terror will still have to test at the start of its next turn.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do you have to have line of sight to cast all spells, or is it only the "first model in the path" spells?

You don't have to have line of sight unless the spell states so.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do items that protect their wearers from magic, but don't dispel the magic, protect the wearer from a spell cast with Total Power.

Yes. This means that items such as the Black Armour of Nagash and the Heart of Avelorn that protect the wearer from a spell, but do not dispel it, would work.

Items that "ignore" the effects of magic, such as certain Bretonnian virtues, will likewise ignore the effects of spells cast with Total Power.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does Drain Magic remove spells cast with Total Power that turn?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a spell cast with Total Power the previous turn be dispelled in subsequent turns?


Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Magic, p. 9

Is a spell that remains in play dispelled if somebody uses Drain Magic in the same turn that it is cast if Total Power was used to cast it?

Yes. The Total Power card only takes effect when a spell is initially cast, so the spell can be dispelled in later turns and is taken off if Drain Magic is played.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

How are questions for Colleges of Magic applied since they are optional in 5th edition

The answers given for the "color decks" below were all made either by the Warhammer Design Team during the tenure of 4th edition, or with reference to the 4th edition Warhammer Battle Magic Rulebook. Although Colour Magic is now optional, it is still a part of the game for those who wish to use it, and it is assumed that the game designers rulings would still apply to 5th edition with equal weight. In those cases where there was clear contradiction with the 5th edition magic rules, this FAQ has applied the 5th edition rule.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the Crystal Charioteer take an enemy model off of the table, and if so can it return?

Yes and no. The enemy model gets one last attempt to break free before it is taken off the table.

Source: 4th edition Battle Magic, p. 51

What happens if drain magic is played the same turn a mage casts Earthblood?

Earthblood fails.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When does the Jade Magic Earthblood spell get the first D6 winds of magic cards?

Roll the 2D6 for winds of magic, then roll D6 for the Earthblood mage. The Earthblood mage then takes his D6 out of the 2D6, the t of the 2D6 are then distributed evenly between the 2 players.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When a character casts the Dark Mist can he decide to end it in any phase or just in subsequent Magic Phases?

Dark Mist is a "remains in play" spell and can be ended in the players own Magic Phase.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can opponents use special abilities (such as Wardancers) or Chaos gifts against an Undead unit affected by Vanhel's Dance Macabre? The Rulebook says the opponent cannot fight or strike blows, but saves and magic saves are allowed.

Wardancers cannot use their special ability during the Magic Phase, and Chaos gifts cannot be used to give Chaos troops attacks during the Magic Phase. Chaos gifts can be used to re-roll daemonic saves, and to provide saves versus wounds.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters that fall into the categories of Mummy, Wraith, or Wight be affected by Vanhel's Dance Macabre if they are by themselves? If they are with a valid unit? Are other characters affected if they are in a valid unit?

A character that is a Mummy (Settra), Wight, or Wraith that are not in units are affected by Vanhel's Dance Macabre. Other characters (Necromancer, Liche, Vampire) are only affected if they are in units of Undead troops (where the Undead troops are affected by Vanhel's Dance Macabre).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are ghosts affected by Vanhel's Danse Macabre?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation / Official Games Workshop FAQ

Can the Potion of Knowledge be used to re-cast necromancer spells?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What spells that affect living creatures don't affect Undead?

Unless a spell specifically states that it does not affect Undead, it does.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When summoning undead, 5 models must be created to form a new unit. Cavalry count as 2 models. Does this mean I need to roll a 10 on the dice, or just 6 (to see how many I summon)?

In this case, the number needed is 10. You must be able to summon at least 5 complete models, not just 5 "models worth." Cavalry count as two models, so a roll of 10 still only gets you 5 models, but 5 must be summoned. Screaming Skull Catapults and chariots are exceptions. You need only summon one complete model (including its crew) to succeed in summoning new catapults and chariots.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Is it possible to summon a partial Undead Chariot?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a single summoning spell be used to add Skeletons to the same unit more than once per Magic Phase?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation] Each summoning spell can only successfully increase or repair a targeted unit once per Magic Phase

Can I Raise the Dead in a fleeing unit and destroy it?

No, new units must be raised at least 1" away from enemy units.

Source: Spell Card

What is the interaction between the Skaven magic spell Cracks Call and the Dwarven Throne of Power? Does the Throne save as a chariot or other war machine? Does it save based on the bearers' initiative (since they touch the ground)?

The Throne of Power saves based upon the bearers' initiative. A house rule is suggested that allows the Throne of Power to be treated as a chariot.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does Cracks Call affect flying chariots (like Arkhan's)?

It does not affect the chariot when it is flying high, otherwise yes.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is there a misprint in the Night Goblin Shaman section of the 5th edition Warhammer Magic book?

Yes. The correct rule is printed in the Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins book. If you fail deduct -1 from the D6 roll on the 'Eadbangerz Chart.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Waaagh Number for shamans affect the number of winds of magic cards that they receive?

No. The Orc & Goblin player receives winds of magic cards the same as any other player.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What units can the Hand of Gork be used to move from the Orc & Goblin army list.

The Hand of Gork should be allowed to move all Orcs & Goblins army units except monsters, Snotlings, Snotling Pump Wagons, Trolls, Ogres, and Giants.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are units held by a magical "net" or by the Hold Fast spell required to take panic tests? What happens if they are required to flee?

The game designers suggest that such units be immune to panic tests while held by these spells. These units are still required to take combat break tests, and if they fail and cannot flee, they are automatically destroyed.

Source: White Dwarf #215 Q&A

Magic Items

How do magical items interact with mundane weapons and special rules?

Magical item special rules override mundane weapon rules. Magical items override other special rules that come into conflict with them only if the result is 'bad' for the user of the magic item. So, for example, the effect of the Potion of Knowledge will effect a mage who is immune to psychology, as this is bad for the user of the item, but the Dread Banner will not effect an enemy unit that is immune to psychology, as this would not be bad for the user of the item (in fact it would be very good!). Please note that this is a guideline only, but it should help resolve most situations that occur in the correct 'spirit of the game'. We know this still allows the old 'item plus 2-h weapon combos', but we're not too worried about this, as they are rather limited in number and who can use them.

Source: Jervis Johnson

How do magical effects effect strike order?

Magical effects which allow a model to strike first take precedence over normal strike order, including charging, initiative and non-magical double-handed weapon penalties. If both models have first strike ability, then resolve in initiative order, or if the initiatives are equal, then roll a D6. This does not apply if the wielder has a magical weapon, in which case roll a D6 at the start of each combat phase to see which takes precedence.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Are characters limited on what magic items they can take (up to their maximum)?

All characters can take at most 1 magic or runic weapon (if Dwarven), 1 ward, 1 bound spell, 1 magic item from the magic armour category or 1 item of runic armour (if Dwarven) and, provided the character is a Battle Standard Bearer , 1 magic standard.

Source: Warhammer Magic, p. 30, 36 & 38 / Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

Do I have to tell my opponent what magic items my figures have?

No. Nowhere in the rules does it state that you have to do this, and there is a magic item whose power is to reveal enemy magic items.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

May an army have more than one of a particular magic item (such as Book of Ashur or Frostblade)?

No, the only exceptions to this are specifically stated. Some exceptions stated are Dispel Scrolls, Runefangs, the Dwarf Rune of Stone and Chaos Armour.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 17 / Warhammer Magic, p. 31

In a battle, can both opposing armies have the same unique magic item?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a unique magic item be reused between an army and its allies.


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the effects of a magic item be dispelled?

If the effects of the item are considered to be a bound spell, yes, otherwise no.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a character have 2 helms/crowns?

Assuming that it is otherwise legal, it is suggested that a character with one head should never be able to wear two helms or two crowns in the same battle. However, crowns can be worn with helms. See answer to above regarding how magic items interact with with other for more details.

Source: Jervis Johnson

Can magic items ever be turned off?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

There are many items which "kill" target (Master Rune of Death, Hellfire Sword, etc) but do not specify that the target must be a living model. Should "slain", "dead", etc be also interpreted as destroyed (like in the case of a war machine)?

Yes. Treat all "killed" or "dead" results as "destroyed." Some magic weapons and spells are so powerful that they will rip apart or obliterate wood and steel as easily as flesh.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Do magical item effects which require base contact, like the Black Gem of Gnar, work among models that are flying high?

Glancing blow rules are too ambiguous to resolve this question. If players cannot agree, roll a D6 at the start of the game. Items which directly affect the to hit, wound and save rolls would always apply.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

The Ring of Corin (or some equivalent) is used to destroy the Book of Ashur, what happens to the character who has it?

That character loses any magic level gained, and loses one randomly determined spell. The others are assumed to have been memorized by the spell caster, so he may continue to have them, even if not otherwise allowed to.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Games Day '97 Ruling

Does a mage using the Book of Ashur and Waaagh magic need to take a Waaagh test?

Only if he is an Orc or Goblin shaman.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a wizard using the Book of Ashur gain the special abilities of the spell deck he is using?

No. Thus a wizard using the Book to get Necromantic spells cannot pick his spells, Dark Magic users cannot use dispels as power, High Magic users are not considered a higher level for purposes of dispelling, do not get an extra spell to discard at the start of the game and can not use power cards as dispels. Non-Skaven Warlocks would get no warpstone, non-Goblin shamans get no mushrooms.

Source: White Dwarf #215

Can a wizard using the Book of Ashur draw "Grey Seer Only" spells?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can Liches and Vampires use the Book of Nagash? Can Manfred Von Carstein use the Book of Nagash? How about Heinrich Kemmler?

Yes on all accounts. The Book of Nagash Magic Item card should allow Liches and Vampires to take it.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Settra use The Carstein Ring?

No. The Carstein Ring is limited to (Vampire Only) Settra is allowed to use items that are limited to (Vampire, Liche or Necromancer only).

Source: Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 96-97

Can the Chaos Familiar be used to modify a die roll that while directly affecting the character is made by the opposing player?

The die roll cannot be a die roll that the opponent makes.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the Ring of Corin be used to destroy familiars?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

What is the movement value of a mounted spell caster that has a familiar?

When a spell caster has a Familiar, and is mounted on a steed or monster it is assumed that the spell caster carries the Familiar with him. Therefore, the spell caster gets to move at the rate of his mount. When the spell caster stops moving, place the Familiar next to him.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are Familiars considered as magic items, subject to the same limitations?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a mage with the Skull Staff force hidden Assassins with magic items to reveal themselves? Can that mage then target the Assassin with spells or missile fire? Can the Assassin 'surprise attack' that character?

The character knows that an Assassin is in the unit, but may not target the Assassin with spells or missile fire. The Assassin may not 'surprise attack' the character with the Skull Staff.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a Gyrocopter, engraved with the Rune of Disguise is within 12" of a character carrying the Skull Staff, can the character target the Gyrocopter for spells? For Missile Fire? Is the Gyrocopter revealed?

No, No, and No. Although the character 'knows' the Gyrocopter is there, and even roughly where it might be, he can't attack it because he can't actually see it.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Staff of Volans have to be used for every spell the Supreme Patriarch casts?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the automatic wound caused by the Talon of Death be saved?

Special saves only.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do these wounds apply towards combat resolution?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a character have two special saves.


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a Dwarf character use both the Rune of Spite and a Black Amulet?


Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

When is a special save made against weapons that cause multiple wounds or which have other magical effects?

Make the roll to save the wound before the magical effect or multiplication of wounds occurs.

A weapon with the Dwarf Rune of Smiting generates its multiple wounds before the special save. This rune is an exception to the way all other magic weapons are treated.

Source: Warhammer Magic, Warhammer Design Team / Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 26

Do wounds reflected by the Black Amulet affect combat resolution?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

A model with 4 attacks and 1 wound attacks another model that has a Black Amulet/Rune of Spite. What if the first attack wounds, ant that wound is rebounded onto the attacker, do the other attacks have any affect (is the attacker dead before his additional attacks)?

Yes. For a single model all to hits rolls are taken together, then all to wound rolls, then all saves for the victim. The only exception is when a model makes attacks with different initiative values (i.e. a character riding a monster, or in a chariot), in which case all attacks with the same initiative are made at the same time (i.e. for a character on a monster, roll the attacks for the character all together, and the attacks for the monster all together).

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Black Amulet only rebound wounds caused by hand-to-hand combat attacks, or does it rebound any wounds caused during the Close Combat Phase (does the Black Amulet rebound wounds caused by other Black Amulets and the Runes of Spite, spells that cause wounds in Close Combat Phase, etc.).

The Black Amulet only rebounds wounds cause by hand-to-hand combat attacks from other models, not wounds caused by 'devices' such as the Black Amulet or Rune of Spite. Spells that cause wounds during the Close Combat Phase would not be rebounded, although they may still be saved.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Crown of Sorcery allow the user to be a Necromancer (to select spells and recast spells)?

Yes, treat him as a Necromancer in all respects.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters locked in a time stasis by the Black Gem of Gnar be attacked by other models in play?

No. Once you use the Black Gem of Gnar, the affected models are effectively removed from the game and are ignored.

Source: White Dwarf #222

What happens when a unit champion or trooper is gemmed?

The unit is free to move and fight normally. If the effect of the gem wears off, then treat the champion or trooper as a stranded single character that must attempt to rejoin the unit whenver possible. Award victory points for the entire unit if it is defeated, even if a champion or a trooper model is still gemmed or stranded.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Can the Ring of Corin be used against the Black Gem?

Items that target magic items (to destroy/disable) can work against the Black Gem of Gnar before it is activated, but not after.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a spell caster use the Escape Card to avoid the Gem of Gnar?

No. The Escape Winds of Magic card can only be used when the spell caster would otherwise be killed, and the Black Gem of Gnar does not kill the spell caster.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a charging chariot hits a character with the Black Gem of Gnar, what happens?

The character with the Black Gem of Gnar can activate before he and his unit are run down by the chariot. Thus, the chariot/rider/harnessed beasts and the Black Gem of Gnar character are all frozen before the chariot causes any casualties.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a single character with the Black Gem of Gnar move into contact with a character in a unit and immediately lock that character in time?

The Gem bearer may activate the Gem as soon as he is in contact with an enemy model

Source: Magic Item Card

The Helm of Many Eyes allows a character to always strike first. What if he is armed with a 2-handed-weapon or Executioner's Axe?

Roll a D6 at the start of each combat to see which takes precedence.

Suggested Amendment: when armed with a non-magical double-handed weapon, magical first strike takes precedence. Roll a D6 at the start of each combat if the weapon is a magical weapon.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Can the Ring of Corin be used to destroy Chaos Rewards?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a mage is in base to base contact with the bearer of the Talisman of Obsidian, can he put Winds of Magic cards into a Power Familiar (or other power card holding device)?


Note, however, that the Wizard himself is no longer able to retain Winds of Magic cards.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Magic Item Card

Can the Tomb King's Crown be used in conjunction with the Blessed Sword?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the Skaven army have more than one Warpstone Charm?


Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Magic, p. 30

Can the Skaven Warpstone Charm be used to re-roll both dice in a break test, or only ever one single die?

Both dice can be re-rolled.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Staff of Nurgle affect Undead and ethereal troops?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is the wielder of the Cursed Book affected by it?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can any level warlock use Stormdaemon?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Talisman of Ravensdark/Scarecrow banner/etc - Do creatures which can fly, but are not (using legs to charge) still be effected by these?

Yes - these items effect all creatures capable of flight, regardless of their current mode of movement.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Do warpfire throwers, jezzail shots, Ikit Claw's pistol and PCB fumes affect Flesh Hounds?

No. The Collar of Khorne worn by Flesh Hounds neutralizes magical attacks. Skaven special weapons are considered magical due to warpstone.

Source: White Dwarf #222, Realms of Chaos

Can I drink the Potion of Strength at any time?

No. You must declare that you are drinking it at the start of your own turn.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Can a Battle Standard Bearer be of a specific race (say Forest Goblin) and take a race specific banner (say Spider Banner) and then join a unit of a different race (say Savage Orcs)?

Yes, however race specific effects, such as Night Goblins striking first with the Bad Moon Banner, will not affect other races, such as Orcs.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a character take a magic banner as one of his magic items?

Only the Battle Standard Bearer may take a magic standard as one of his magic items. Other than Battle Standard Bearer s, only unit standard bearers in units that are allowed magic standards may take magic standards.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

The Bad Moon Banner allows all the members of the unit to always strike first. What if they are armed with 2-handed-weapons?

Roll a D6 at the start of each combat to see which takes precedence. Suggested Amendment: Magical first strike ability allows models with non-magical double-handed weapons to strike first.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Does the Battle Banner +D6 combat resolution bonus modify all of my army's hand-to-hand combats?

No. The reference to 'side' in the Battle Banner card text is referring to the 'side' of the hand-to-hand combat that the Battle Banner is involved in. The Battle Banner bonus only applies when the character/unit carrying it is involved in the combat.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Hell Banner affect characters immune to psychology?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Mork's War Banner affect spell casting Daemons?

Yes, but only the figures in base to base contact with the bearer of the standard. Take these casualties at the beginning hand-to-hand combat every turn.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Mork's War Banner affect characters casting bound spells?

No. This includes characters using Aldred's Casket of Sorcery (assuming the Casket has captured a spell). Although the character is unharmed, roll a D6 to determine whether the item is destroyed.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Is the Standard of Shielding save a special save?


Source: Magic Item Card

Will a frenzied unit with the Banner of Defiance Pursue?

The magical banner prevents the frenzied unit from pursuing. As a house rule, it is suggested that you roll a D6 at the end of each round of combat. On a 1-3 the banner does not provide the unit with its magical benefits, and the unit's frenzy causes the unit to pursue. On a 4-6 the banner works and the frenzied unit will not pursue.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is it possible to get an armour save better than 1+?

Yes, assuming the character is using the Master Rune of Adamant. In all other cases, even if circumstances would give the character a 0+ or better armour save, treat it as a 1+ armour save.

Source: Warhammer Design Team, Warhammer Magic, p. 36, Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, White Dwarf

Orcs & Goblins are not allowed to wear heavy armour. Can Orcs & Goblins characters get magic armour that is considered heavy armour?

Yes, the Orcs & Goblins characters can get any magic armour.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins, p. 82

A character is wearing the Armour of Fortune/Armour of Protection and has the Dawnstone, what armour saves does the Dawnstone allow to be re-rolled.

The Dawnstone only allows the original armour save to be re-rolled, not the special save. The Special save of the armour may still be made.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Shield of Ptolos allow a save against bolt throwers?

No. This is a classic example of how the fictional fluff must take a back seat to the rules where the two conflict. While the card suggests that the effect of the shield is to interfere with the shooter's aim, in actuality what is being conferred upon the bearer is a simple armour save, which a bolt thrower's bolts will ignore.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Magic Arrow come with a bow so that it can be given to characters that don't normally have access to a bows?

Yes, this is specified on the card description for the magic item. Assume the character also has a supply of regular arrows.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the Sky arrow be shot at targets not flying high?

The Bow can be used, but the arrow's special abilities only work against targets flying high.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

A unit has a magic standard and the bearer of the sword of destruction is in base to base contact with the unit. Does the sword of destruction nullify the magic banner's abilities?

If the Sword of Destruction bearer is in base to base contact with the unit standard bearer, then the magic banner is nullified, otherwise it is not.

Note, if the magic banner is not affected by the sword of destruction, models in base to base contact with the Sword of Destruction bearer continue to gain the benefits of the magic banner.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When the Sword of Destruction causes a wound, how do you determine which magic item is destroyed?

The wielder may pick from the known items, or may pick randomly.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Will a Sword of Destruction prevent a Carstein Ring from working?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Necromancer carry both the Sword of Unholy Power (as a Wizards Arcana) and another magic sword (from the Magic Weapons category)?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation, Magic Box Errata Sheet and item card

Is the Black Axe of Krell still 2 handed in 5th edition?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can I distribute the multiple hits of the hydra blade among several models?

No. If a weapon multiplies a hit, then the multiple hits are applied against a single model.

Source: White Dwarf #222

When is the Master Rune of Spite rebound roll made against weapons that cause multiple wounds?

If 1 wound will be turned into many wounds by the weapon, or some other magical effect will apply (such as a Frostblade's effect) make the roll to rebound the wound before the 1 wound is turned into many wounds or the magic takes effect, as per the Black Amulet. Thus, if the Master Rune of Spite rebounds a wound from a Frostblade, the attacker is not killed.

Note, a weapon with the Dwarf Rune of Smiting generates its multiple wounds before saves and rebounds can take effect. This rune is an exception to the way all other magic weapons are treated.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 26

Can a character use both the Master Rune of Spite and a Black Amulet?

No. A Dwarf Character cannot have 2 magic items of the same type.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

Does a character get the Master Rune of Spite rebound roll against weapons that say the defender gets no armour save, not even a magic armour save?

Yes. The special effect of the Master Rune of Spite is not considered an armour save.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 30

Can the Rune of Luck be used to re-roll any die roll in the game, or only die rolls that directly affect the character? What if the opposing player makes the die roll that directly affects the character?

The Rune of Luck can only modify die rolls that directly involve the character, and it cannot be a die roll that the opponent makes.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the Master Rune of Flight pick out characters in units?


Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Does the Rune of Slowness stop a flying high charger D6" away?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Rune of Slowness affect magically transported troops?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Rune of Slowness affect Fanatics?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a Ring of Corin targets a war machine with runes inscribed upon it, does the Ring of Corin have to exceed the point cost of the war machine plus the runes, or just the point cost of the runes?

The Ring of Corin would have to exceed the point cost of the runes. The war machine would still operate after its runes have been removed.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can I put engineering runes on the Anvil of Doom?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Rune of Forging be put on a Flame Cannon or an Organ Cannon/gun?

The Warhammer Design Team have stated on more than one occasion (in both White Dwarf #201 and Citadel Journal #20) that the Rune of Forging cannot be placed on these warmachines. Under a strict interpretation of the wording in the Dwarf Army Book, it is permissible. It is suggested that players decide for themselves before playing whether they believe allowing this rune on these machines is unbalancing. One common house rule requires a separate Rune of Forging to be purchased for each barrel of the Organ gun. Another good house rule simply limits the Rune of Forging to one use per Rune per turn.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a Rune of Disguise be put on the Gyrocopter?

Yes, but once the Gyrocopter moves or shoots, it is visible for the rest of the game.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 29, White Dwarf #222

Can a Dwarf army have 2 cannons with the Rune of Forging?

The Rune of Forging can be on more than 1 cannon as long as the set of runes on each cannon is unique.
The uniqueness rule for runes applies to all runes other than the Rune of Stone; this means that it includes the war machine runes.

Therefore, 2 organ guns that just have the Rune of Forging are illegal. On the other hand, 1 organ gun with (Rune of Forging) and another organ gun with (Rune of Forging, Rune of Disguise) is legal.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

When are Strength and Toughness reductions due to hits from the Curse rune applied?

Before any rolls to wound.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Master Rune of Death affect everything (characters, Daemons, Dragons, etc.)? If so, what is the good of the Master Rune of Dragon/Daemons Slaying?

The Master Rune of Death affects everything, as to the points value, we're happy with them!

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a character has a runic device (weapon, armour, item) with multiple runes on it, how many magic items does it count as?

A runic item counts as a single magic item no matter how many runes are on it. Therefore, a Dwarf General can have 3 runic items with 3 runes apiece for a total of 9 runes held by 1 figure.

This also means that items that destroy/disable magic items will disable/destroy all runes on a given item.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24


Do skirmishing units block line of sight for shooting purposes?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Is it possible to move a lone character or unit through a unit of skirmishers?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a character in a unit of skirmishers is wearing the Crown of Command, does the unit get to use the characters unmodified 10 leadership?

No, the unit does not get to use the character's leadership under any circumstances.

Source: Warhammer Design Team and Rulebook, p. 96

What happens when a 4 wide unit is charged to the front by a unit of skirmishers, where 7 or 8 skirmishers can all reach the enemy unit? Do the extra skirmishers get to line up on the enemy unit's side and fight too?

Measure the shortest distance between a skirmishing model and the enemy unit. This is the side of the enemy unit the model must charge. If you cannot fit all the models along the side they must charge, then the excess models may not charge that unit that turn. You may move them around to an open side so they may charge in their next turn.

Source: Rulebook, p110.

Does a unit in skirmish formation suffer the same amount of damage from a chariot that other units suffer? How about the damage caused by a night goblin fanatic?

The unit in skirmish formation suffers the same amount of damage as regular units.

House Rule: It is suggested that when Chariots and Night Goblin Fanatics damage units in skirmish formation that the number of hits be reduced by 1/2, minimum 1 hit.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Army List

Can you bring an ally's Battle Standard Bearer?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

When I get allies, does the ally army have to obey the given percentages for characters, war machines, rank and file troopers?

No, these restrictions are not applied to allies. This means two things:

  1. The allied army is not a mini-army unto itself with restriction on 25% allied war machines, and 50% allied characters, etc.

  2. The components of the allied army are not counted towards the percentages of the overall army. If the ally army contingent contains war machines, they do not count towards the 25% restriction on war machines for the entire army.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 47

When I get allies, do the army restrictions apply to the ally contingent?

Yes. So, for example, no more than 1 Swordmaster of Hoeth unit could appear in a High Elf ally contingent, a unit of Halflings would have to be present in an Empire army to take a Halfling Hot Pot Catapult, Rat Ogres could not be taken without Packmasters, etc.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 47

When I get allies, do mandatory army units have to appear in the ally contingent?

No. So, for example, a Chaos Army does not have to take a mandatory unit of Chaos Dwarf Warriors if they take Chaos Dwarf allies.

House Rule: Limit allies as follows: For every allied unit of rank and file troopers taken, 1 character and 1 war machine may be taken.

House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggest that allies not be allowed unless your opponent agrees to let you have allies in your army.

Source: Warhammer Design Team


If pursuers catch a Giant, does it fall over?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a Heart of Woe kick in if a Giant picks up the model and stuffs them in a bag?

No, The character is not technically dead.

Source: Battle Book, p. 127

For Vampires, does The Carstein Ring kick in if a Giant picks up the model and stuffs them in a bag?

No, the character is not technically dead.

Source: Battle Book, p. 127

For Necromantic Generals, does the army have to make leadership tests or turn into dust?

No, The character is not technically dead.

Source: Battle Book, p. 127

Can a Giant pluck a man-sized guy off of other bits (monsters, chariots, Screaming Bell, horse, Juggernought, Disc of Tzeentch)?

No. Any model which is all one thing, all one model, is not able to be affected by this attack. A crewman for a cannon or similar war machine could be picked out, but a crewman on a chariot cannot be.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Should Yell and Bawl affect units immune to psychology?


House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggests that units that are immune to psychology are immune to the Giants bawling attack.

Source: Battle Book, p. 127

>Should Yell and Bawl affect units immune to break tests?


Source: Battle Book, p. 127

When a Giant uses its "Yell and Bawl" attack, does it automatically win combat by an unmodified -2, or is that affected by other combat result modifiers?

It automatically wins combat by an unmodified -2.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation


Is the price of the Hippogriff in my Bretonnian Book correct?

The cost of a Hippogriff should be 145 points. Early printings of the Bretonnian book incorrectly listed it as 125 points, however later printings have corrected this error.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

When wheeling the lance formation, does it pivot from the front of the lead knight and swing around or does it pivot from then back rank?

It pivots from the back rank.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation / Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia

Do you need to buy the Grail, Questing and Knightly Virtues for every model in a unit to make the unit immune to psychology?

Yes, these Virtues only effect the knights that they are given to.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a unit with the Virtue of Ardour choose to not counter-charge when charged?

No, the unit must counter-charge

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation / Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia, p. 49

If a player combines the Virtue of Knightly Temper with the Hydra Sword, when do you multiply the hits using the Sword ?

After the Virtue's extra attacks are rolled.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Green Knight get his 2+ save against "instant kill, no wounds applied" spells & magic items?

The Green Knight's save is in fact a regeneration effect, and can be taken whenever he dies, no matter what killed him. It doesn't prevent him from dying, it just keeps him from staying that way.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

What are the Laws of Chivalry as they apply to losing the Blessing of the Lady of the Lake? Or can the Blessing simple never be lost?

The latter - the Bretonnian player is assumed to have demonstrated sufficiently chivalrous behavior already.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Can the Tress of Isoulde be used with a weapon that autokills when a wound is inflicted?

No. Even though one might still need to roll 2+ to hit and 2+ to wound with an autokill weapon, the rules of the Tress forbid the use of an autokill weapon regardless of how the weapon actually slays a model.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the hit or wounding rolls of the Tress be modified by items or abilities that impose a penalty to the rolls? For example, Armor of Brilliance, River Trolls, defended obstacles.

The Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation could not decide this question based on the published rules. Roll a D6 to decide if the magic of the Tress defeats to-hit and to-wound penalties everytime it occurs, or come to an agreement before the game starts.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Chaos Dwarfs

Can Chaos Only magic items be used by Chaos Dwarves?

Yes. However Chaos God specific magic items, Gifts and Rewards (Khorne Only, Slaneesh only, etc.) cannot be used by Chaos Dwarves.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Chaos Dwarfs / Warhammer Design Team

A Champion accompanies a unit of Blunderbusses. The Champion has a better ballistic skill than an ordinary trooper does. How is shooting worked out?

The Champion is treated as having the same BS as the regiment he is leading if he fires a Blunderbuss.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Dark Elves

Can the Dark Elves have Skaven as allies?

No Please note that ally lists are not reciprocal, in other words it is possible for a race to appear as allies of another race, while not having that race in their own ally list. This simply reflects the fact that to get a race as an ally there must be a good chance of a small contingent of their troops serving in a large army of troops drawn from the main list. In the case of Dark Elves and Skaven, for example, it seemed sensible to me (Jervis) that small contingents of Dark Elves could serve in a Skaven army, but not vice-versa.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters join Scout units and Dark Rider Units?

Characters can join either unit, but note that with the exception of Champions they will not benefit from the unit's special rules. Thus a character with the Scouts can't infiltrate, and a character with the Dark Riders can't make a free march move at the start of the battle or fire and flee.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is Hellebron a Witch Elf and therefore subject to frenzy?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the Witch King cast spells and wear armour?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can an army have Malekith the Witch King on foot instead on the chariot?

The Witch King always comes with the chariot, but may leave it voluntarily during the battle.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A Dark Elf unit is close to another fleeing Dark Elf unit, and a High Elf unit. What test is taken first, the hatred-must-charge-the-enemy or the panic test?

The panic test is taken first, and if passed, then the must charge the enemy test is taken.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do Witch Elves lose Hatred when fighting High Elves, because they go into Frenzy and are immune to all other Psychology?

The Witch Elves lose hatred when they frenzy.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Which units can have Assassins? The rules (p 40) say "you can hide Assassins in Dark Elf infantry units". As there are no units called Dark Elf infantry I assumed that they could be hidden in any non-cavalry unit. Then I read in the Dark Elf battle tactics (p 66) that they could not be hidden in Scout units?

Dark Elf Assassins can hide in the following units: Executioners, Black Guard, Corsairs, Warriors, Spearmen, City Guard, Crossbowmen. It should be noted that Dark Elf Assassins are male, and cannot disguise themselves as scantily clad female witch elves. See e.g. Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 40 "the Witch Elves steal away the male children who they raise in the temples of Khaine."

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 66

Is the +1 strength due to poison included in the Witch Elf statistics?

No, the Witch Elves strength when attacking is 4.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 36

Do Witch Elf Characters get to put poison on their weapons?

Yes, but not their magic weapons (see Assassins above).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

What's the point cost for a Hag Queen?

The only Hag Queens that can be purchased are the special characters listed.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a Dark Elf Corsair Champion get a Sea Dragon Cloak?

Yes, he must take this as equipment. It costs 5 points. It is considered magical, but does not fill his magic item slot. No other Dark Elf characters may have the cloak.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / White Dwarf #215 Q&A

Can Repeating Crossbows move and shoot?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation


Can Dwarfs add power cards to boost their dispels?

Yes, just like any other army in the situation without any Wizards.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Can any of the Dwarf characters ride monsters?

No. If the a character was allowed to ride a monster it would specifically state that in the Dwarf Army book, since it does not, it is not allowed.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 83-84

When a slayer's strength increases to the toughness of his opponent, is that increased strength used only for rolling to wound or does it affect armour save as well?

The strength increase affects armour saves as well. There is a White Dwarf battle report that handles this incorrectly.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 79

Can I place the Slayer King on a Throne of Power? Can I have a Slayer King in my army aside from the special character?

The only Slayer King available is the special character. The special character is not a high king and therefore cannot be put on the Throne of Power. A Generic Dwarf General may be considered a High King and put on the Throne of Power.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, Warhammer Design Team

May a Runesmith use additional power cards stored in the Anvil to reinforce the casting of Lightning bolts?

Yes. The runesmith casts the lightning spell according to the normal rules of spellcasting and may use any power cards he holds in the Anvil to reinforce the spell against dispell attempts. The rules in the older army book are modified to account for the new magic system.

Source: Warhammer Magic, Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs

Are the Dwarf champions that bear the Throne of Power allowed a magic item?

No, they already have the Rune of Stone.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

The Dwarf book lists the flame cannon as having both a 12" and a 24" inch range. Which is correct?

Maximum guess range is 12".

Source: Warhammer Design Team

The Empire

Can the Empire army take Ogre, Halfling or Dwarf characters?

No. If the Empire army was to be able to take these characters, they should be described in the Empire Army Book. The Chaos Army book specifically describes the Minotaur lords, and Beastman champions allowed for Chaos Armies.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, Warhammer Armies: Chaos

If a detached unit is in hand-to-hand combat and the main unit is not, does the rank bonus of the main unit apply towards the combat for the detached unit?

No. Only the units in the hand-to-hand can have their rank bonus apply.

Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 18

If the parent unit's Battle Standard Bearer has a magic standard, does its detachment get the magical benefits as well.?

Only if the standard affects the parent unit's leadership (i.e. the Valorous standard and the Banner of Courage).

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a skirmished bow detachment use the Ld of a parent Halberd unit?


Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Can any of the characters in the back of the Empire Army Book lead the Empire Army?

The only special characters who can replace the empire general are Karl Franz, Magnus the Pious and Kurt Helborg.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can any the Empire Army field Ice Mages?

Ice magic is considered part of "Colour Magic" in 5th edition, and may therefore only be used with the prior approval of your opponent. If Ice magic is used, it is suggested that the limitation contained in the 4th edition book Arcane Magic be applied, i.e., the army should contain at least one unit of Kislevites.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Grand Theogonist count as a spell caster for Winds of Magic?


Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 70

Can I choose the weapons for the crew members of the War Wagon?

No. A lot of people would like to arm all the war wagon crew members with the long range rifle so that they can shoot at specific enemy figures.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 20-21

Is possible to attack the commander of the Steam Tank?


Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 35

How do spells affect the Steam Tank?

Use the Tank's statistics for all spells, use the commanders leadership (leadership 10) for leadership checks.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a Steam Tank hits models whose initiative are greater than 6, does a six always fail or do they always escape?

They always escape.

Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Armies -Empire, p. 35

Can I cast spells at the crew of the Steam Tank?


Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, Warhammer Design Team

Can a unit of Outriders have a Champion?


Source: Warhammer Design Team, Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 28

Can a unit of Flagellants have a Champion?


Source: Rulebook, p. 61 and Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 58

Does damaging the War Altar affect its abilities?

Not until the War Altar is destroyed.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 70

Is the Empire War Altar treated like a chariot for purposes of being attacked?


Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 69

How often do those pistoliers get to shoot?

Since the pistoliers have 2 guns, it is assumed that 1 is always loaded and can be used to stand and shoot, shoot in the missile phase, or shoot in hand-to-hand combat. Note that the pistol shot attack uses the pistoliers BS instead of WS to determine hits.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

High Elves

Can Swordmasters of Hoeth get both the -1 to-hit bonus from their doublehanded swords versus shooting, and a +1 armor save versus shooting for carrying shields?

Yes. How many hands it takes to deflect a shot with a sword is never defined, so the ability to wield a shield and a sword during the shooting phase is not excluded under the rules. The intent is to give Swordmasters both options.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Are White Lions who are protecting their general immune to psychology and break tests, or do they merely have an auto-pass to Ld rolls they are required to make? Will they auto-break if they lose combat to fear causing units that outnumber them?

A unit of White Lions which contains the High Elf General is immune to both psychology and break tests. They will not auto-break if they lose combat to a fear-causing unit that outnumbers them.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Warhammer: High Elves, Spanish edition


What is the maximum number of Skinks that can be placed in a Stegadon's Howdah?

According to the Italian Lizardman book and White Dwarf #215, Q&A, the maximum number is 10. It is assumed that later printings of the Lizardman book in English will include this rule.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the Plaque of Dominion be used multiple times?


Source: White Dwarf #215, Q&A

Do Kroxigors with two-handed weapons strike first when the Plaque of Dominion is used?

Roll a D6 at the start of each combat to see which takes precedence. Suggested Amendment: Magical item special rules override mundane weapon rules. The Kroxigors will strike first.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Do Skink characters fighting in a challenge gain the advantages of auto-stomping or hit randomization?

No, they must fight the challenge on foot.

Source: White Dwarf #215, Q&A

Can Salamanders Move & Fire and Stand & Shoot as a Charge Response?

Yes for both.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

If a skink character rides a stegadon, is the stegadon's cost paid for out of character points or regimental points?

Pay for the actual stegadon from the regiments.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

When firing a bolt thrower at a skink/kroxigor unit, where does the shot go?

Randomize between the Skinks & Krozigor as normal. If a Skink is hit, randomly determine which one to see if the next target will be another Skink or a Kroxigor.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Orcs & Goblins

Can the Greenskin army have more than one Warlord?

No. The absence of a "1" in front of the Warlord heading is a misprint.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Orcs & Goblins take the Chaos Dwarves as allies and get a second unit of Black Orcs?


House Rule: It is suggested that an Orcs & Goblin army with a unit of Black Orcs not be allowed to get a unit of Black Orcs in a Chaos Dwarf ally contingent.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves, p. 47

Can I take the Chaos Dwarves as allies and only get a unit of Hobgoblins?


House Rule: The Warhammer Design Team suggest that due to the Orcs & Goblins mistrust of Hobgoblins that when the Orcs & Goblins take Chaos Dwarf allies that no Hobgoblins be allowed in the ally contingent.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Do Doom Divers need line of sight to their targets?

Technically yes, however the Warhammer Design Team have endorsed a house rule to the contrary.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can Hand of Gork be used to move Night Goblin Fanatics?

No, individual Fanatics cannot be moved with the Hand of Gork.

Source: Battle Magic, p. 56

When a Fanatic ends its movement inside a unit, what is done?

Place the Fanatic right next to one of the sides of the unit (on the outside of the unit). Choose the side that is closest to the Fanatics end position in the unit.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When Fanatics are launched, do they have to be all launched at the unit that is within 8"?

The player can choose what direction they go on the turn they come out.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can I move a unit with hidden Night Goblin Fanatics in it with the Hand of Gork?


Source: White Dwarf #191 / Official Games Workshop FAQ

What happens if magical movement causes a Night Goblin unit with hidden Fanatics to be within 8" of an enemy unit?

The Fanatics are released in a random direction.

Source: White Dwarf #191

What happens if a creature flying high lands within 8" of a night goblin unit with hidden fanatics?

The Fanatics are released in a random direction.

Source: White Dwarf #191

Can an enemy unit stand and shoot at Fanatics?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the Orc & Goblin Army field Ogre characters?


Source: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins

Do Snotling pump wagons follow the same psychology rules as Snotling bases?


Source: White Dwarf #194 Q&A / Warhammer Design Team

Can Snotling pump wagons turn in mid move?

No, pump wagons must turn at the start of ther movement and then move in a straight line

Source: White Dwarf #215 Q&A]

Should you select the pump wagon's direction before or after you roll for its 2d6 of movement?

Select the direction first, then roll the 2d6.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can Savage Orcs carry spears?


Source: White Dwarf #215 Q&A / Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins reprint, copyright 1997

Protective Tattoos alone provide an unmodified 6+ armour save, but if the armour save is improved by other means (such as shields) is that part of the armour save modified by the attacker's strength?

The only parts of the armour save not modified by the attackers strength are the parts provided by the Protective Tattoos (+1) and the Savage Orc Shaman in Unit (+1). The rest of the Savage Orc armour save (riding boar for +2, shield for +1, Standard of Shielding for +1) are modified by the attacker's strength.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a Night Goblin Shaman is more than 12" away from an Orc or Goblin Mob and gobbles a piece of mushroom does he still have to make a Waaagh! test to control the magic?

With no units within 12", the dice roll needed to pass a Waaagh! test is 1, so it's impossible to fail. As stated, eating mushrooms does not increase your chances of failing a Waaagh! test (only the consequences if you do!). This means that by eating mushrooms alone (no units within 12"), your Night Goblin Shaman cannot fail his Waaagh! test so there isn't really any point in taking one.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Do Squig Hunters have two attacks, or does the prodder obstruct them from having those two attacks?

Each herder gets 1 attack, so a 25mm x 50mm base with 2 herders gets 2 attacks.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can my Squig Hunter teams in the second rank be hit back?

Hunter teams in fighting ranks can be attacked, Hunter teams in the second rank cannot be attacked in place of Squigs in the front rank. However, once wounds are applied to the unit, if all the Squigs in the front rank are killed, then wounds are applied to the Hunter teams.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Realm of Chaos

Can a Khorne Champion legally carry the Sword of Destruction? If he does, what happens to his Chaos Armour?

Technically, since the bearer of the Sword of Destruction cannot carry a second magic item, and Chaos Armour is classified as such, a Khorne champion with the Sword of Destruction is an illegal combo. If you wish to play with a house rule where the Khorne Champion's armour is a Chaos Reward, the Sword of Destruction may be taken. In such a case, treat the Chaos Armour as if it were ordinary heavy armour.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is it D3 hits or D3 wounds for the Bloodletter's Sword?

D3 wounds once the creature is wounded (p. 82 is correct, p. 114 is wrong).

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Official Games Workshop FAQ

A Slaanesh character is on a flying mount. The character loses a round of combat, is he driven off?

Yes. The driven off rule applies in this case (the Slaanesh character is only immune to break tests).

Source: Rulebook, p. 72

Can a Slaneesh champion ever choose to flee from a charge?


Source: White Dwarf #200, Q&A

How many Wounds does a Chaos Hound have?


Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

What is the correct Leadership for a Harpy?


Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Can a chariot pulled by Discs of Tzeentch fly high?


Source: Rulebook, p. 104

When a cannon fires and the shot lands in front of a Disk of Tzeentch, does the shot bounce up and hit the disk?

Yes, riding a Disc of Tzeentch doesn't imbue a character with mystical protection from cannons, in the same way that models which fly can also be hit.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

With a Daemonette riding a Steed of Slaanesh, which Toughness value do you use? Is it the Daemonette's Toughness 3 or the Steed's Toughness 4?

As with any cavalry model, only the mount's Movement is used unless it has its own attacks, in which case its Attacks and Weapon Skill characteristics are also used. The Steed of Slaanesh's higher Toughness confers no benefit to its rider and is given for comparative purposes.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Special Rules

Are models with regenerate that are caught while fleeing able to regenerate?

A regenerating creature that is caught fleeing is considered dead, and cannot regenerate wounds to return.

Source: Warhammer Design Team


Can Ikit Claw use all his shooting attributes during the same shooting phase e.g. Warplock Pistol, Poison Globe, Warpfire Thrower?

No, he can only operate one missile weapon.

Source: Rulebook / Warhammer Design Team

Can I take Thanquol without Boneripper?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Boneripper accept/issue challenges?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Poison Wind Globadiers have to "evade when charged". What does this mean?

If attached Globadiers are in the path of a charge they will move around the regiment , so that charging troops do not get in base to base contact with them.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Skaven, p. 52

When Poison Wind Globadiers are being charged how do I work out stand and shoot?

Evading Globadiers can't stand shoot. Otherwise Globadiers follow normal rules.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do Poison Wind Globes affect the Empire Steam tank? Is a '6' on the roll for Poison Wind Globes always a failure and the model overcome (die)?

Use the statistics for the steam tank for the poison wind globes, it takes 5 wounds to kill the steam tank. A '6' is always a failure.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When the Deathmaster Snikch is in a Skaven unit other than Gutter Runners, is he disguised (like other assassins)? Can he leap out and make surprise assassin attacks on enemy characters?

No and no. Snikch fights using the special rules in the army book - he leaves the hiding in units stuff to the ordinary Assassins of the Clan Eshin.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the 5 attacks for the Deathmaster Snikch include his 2 additional hand weapons?

No. He gets a massive 7 attacks in hand-to-hand combat!

Source: Warhammer Design Team

How many attacks do Skaven assassins get?

They get two as per their profile - they do not carry an extra hand weapon or Weeping Blade

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can I field Skaven Assassins on their own? Can they infiltrate?

No, but they can be included in units of Gutter Runners.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Gutter Runner unit have a standard/musician?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do Skaven Plague Censer Bearers have to test to see if they are poisoned by their censers every turn, or just when they are in combat?

Only when they are in combat.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / White Dwarf #193, Q&A

Do Plague Censer Bearers lose their hatred when they frenzy?

No, they are different from Witch Elves in this respect.

Source: Warhammer Design Team, Army Books

Can Plague Censer Bearer units include a Champion?


Source: White Dwarf #215, Q&A

If the Screaming Bell is going to destroy war machines, does that affect the Skaven war machines as well?

The Screaming Bell does not affect itself, nor Warpfire Throwers, nor Jezzails teams. The Skaven Doomwheel is affected. If other Screaming Bell's are present, they are affected.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If the unit pushing the Screaming Bell flees, do the Grey Seer and striker go with them?

No. They are immune to psychology and never break.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Warpfire Throwers & Jezzails stand and shoot at chargers?

Yes, but Warpfire Throwers cannot stand and shoot at chargers attacking from flying high.

Source: Chronicles of War, p. 5

A unit of Skaven Jezzails shoot at a unit of Beastmen, the Skaven cause 3, 1, and 2 wounds, how many Beastmen die? (does the extra wound from the first Jezzail wound another Beastmen).

2 Beastmen die, and another has 1 wound, the extra wounds from the Jezzail are lost (same as cannon balls or attacks against rank and file by characters wielding the Bone Blade).

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Warpfire Thrower shoot over a Skaven unit in it's path and attempt to hit a unit beyond?

Yes, as long as the Warpfire thrower has line of sight to the enemy unit it may shoot at it.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

I have 4 Rat Swarms in my army (it is counted as one single swarm). If an enemy model comes into contact with one of the 4 swarms, how many attacks do the swarms get?

Line up the units. Only swarm bases in contact with enemy models may fight.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does Mork's War Banner affect the Warlock engineer.

No. The Warlock Engineer is only a crewman and is not a wizard.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When should victory points be awarded for the Doomwheel?

When both the rats and the Engineer are killed.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

May a unit of Packmasters with either Giant Rats or Rat Ogres be deployed at the start of the game with more Packmasters than beasts?

No, each Packmasters must control at least one beast of his own.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Skaven do not panic when Giant Rat units flee. Do units test for panic if Packmasters flee, or are they considered part of the pack of Giant Rats?

They are part of the pack, so other Skaven do not need to test.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If the Packmasters are in the back rank, do they get to lap around, or do only the Giant Rats themselves have this ability?

Only the rats may lap without first winning combat.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Are attacks from warpstone based weapons considered magical?

Yes. Attacks from jezzails, warpfire throwers, weeping blades, warplock pistols, poisoned wind globes, plague censers and doomwheel lightning should be considered magical attacks.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Is the Vermin Lord affected by Skavenbrew?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Vermin Lord obtain or use Warpstone?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

How many wounds do Skaven Slaves have?

One - the profile in the bestiary section of the army book is incorrect.

Source: Warhammer Design Team, Battle Book, p. 143


Settra can have the Mummy Tomb King's Crown, but his BS is 0 (zero), is this correct?

Yes. Those around Settra can use his higher WS, but would not choose to use his horrible BS. See the section in Magic Items on the Mummy Tomb King's Crown.

Source: Warhammer Magic, p. 39 / Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 96

Can Settra use items that are Vampire Only, Necromancer Only, or Liche Only?

Settra can use things that are Vampire, Necromancer, or Liche only.

(Vampire Only) does not equal (Vampire, Necromancer, or Liche only).

(Liche Only) does not equal (Vampire, Necromancer, or Liche only).

(Necromancer Only) does not equal (Vampire, Necromancer, or Liche only).

This means that Settra cannot have the Book of Nagash or The Carstein Ring. Settra can have Staff of Damnation, Talon of Death, or the Tomb Blade.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 97

If a Necromancer, who is not immune to psychology, is leading a unit of Undead that is, does he still have to take break tests and where does he go if he fails?

Characters who join a unit which is immune to psychology, break test or whatever are still subject to the psychology rules themselves. If they are forced to flee they will run away as normal, the rest of the unit will remain where it is.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Since Undead are not living targets, are they affected by poison?

Unless a device specifically states that it does not affect Undead, it does. This applies to Witch Elves poison, etc.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Since Undead are immune to psychology, do Slaanesh effects that utilize good looks affect them?

No, the Allure of Slaanesh still affects them.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Arkhan benefit from a "Look Out Sir!" roll when in his chariot?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Are Vampire characters considered living beings?

Vampires are considered living in the respect that they can march move, and are not immune to psychology. Vampires are considered Undead for all other things (such as Banishment spell and Runefangs)

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Vampire attempt to transfix an entire unit of Wardancers using the Storm Blades attack?

No, only those models in base to base contact at the start of the Close Combat Phase.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If Vlad or Isabella is turned into spawn or otherwise not removed from the table, does the other one become frenzied?


House rule: It is strongly suggested that if Vlad or Isabella is turned into spawn or otherwise not removed from the table but still "considered slain", the other one should become frenzied.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a Vampire mounted on a skeletal steed march move?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can you have Wight or Wraith Champion in a unit of Wights or Wraiths?

No. The Undead army book specifically states that Wight and Wraith Champions can only be in units of Skeletons, Zombies and Ghouls.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 82

Can a unit of Ghosts, Wraiths, Wights, Mummies, or Carrion take a unit Champion?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does a spear (or any other weapon) wielded by a Wight cause D3 wounds?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Are creatures immune to non-magical weapons, immune to all breath weapon attacks?

Although not weapon attacks per se, breath attacks are physical attacks, and therefore they would be immune. However, they should not be immune to 'gaze' attacks like those used by the Gorgon or Cockatrice. They would be immune to the following types of attacks: Dragons Breath, Greater Daemon Breath, Great Taurus Breath, and Chimera Breath.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are Wight Blades considered magic weapons?


Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 64

Do weapons and spells that affect Undead only affect Nagash?

Yes. Unless specifically excepted, things that affect the Undead will affect everything in the Undead army book.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are the cards stored in Nagashs' Staff of Power affected by Drain Magic?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a unit of Skeletons with a character in it loses a round of combat, does the character have to take a break test, or do extra Skeletons just die?

Because a unit is immune to break tests/psychology does not mean that characters in the unit are immune to break tests/psychology.

Therefore, if a wight, wraith, mummy tomb king, liche, vampire, or a necromancer is in a unit of skeletons and it loses a round of hand-to-hand combat, two things happen:

  1. Extra skeletons in the unit die. If more than 1 skeleton unit is involved in the hand-to-hand combat, each unit loses an additional number of skeletons equal to the combat resolution.

  2. Characters in the unit not immune to break tests, take break tests with the appropriate combat resolution modifier. If the character fails its break test, it is destroyed, flees, etc.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

A unit of Wood Elf Scouts is hidden in a building. The opponent's Skeleton Horsemen moved through the building. How would you work this situation out?

No charge was declared so the Skeleton Horsemen are stopped 1" away and can be presumed to have seen the Scouts. They cannot pass through them. If the Scouts don't charge or remove themselves from sight they can be charged next Skeleton turn.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Since Undead Chariots can have crew and steed restored, should they be left on the table when all the crew have been killed?

The controlling player can choose whether to leave it on the table (and only regenerate the missing parts or to summon an entirely new chariot.

Note: an Undead Chariot that regains its steeds as a result of Necromantic magic must attempt to rejoin its squadron (if so deployed) before taking other actions.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Undead units stand and shoot or flee from chargers?

Any unit that is considered Undead (Skeletons, Zombies, Mummies, Carrion, Wraiths, Wights, Liches, Ghosts, Skeletal Horsemen, Undead Chariots) cannot stand and shoot or flee from chargers. This is due to the fact that they are just to slow in responding.

Ghouls, Necromancers, and Vampires can flee and stand and shoot as charge reactions.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 58

Are there any Undead units that can march move?

Ghouls, Necromancers, and Vampires can march move.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 58

Are Mummies immune to break tests?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

When Mummies flee, do they flee at 2D6-1 like dwarves?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a unit wins combat, but takes and fails a special break test because it is fighting a wraith or ghost, can the wraith or ghost pursue? What if the wraith is a champion in a non-wraith unit?

No and no. Only victorious troops have the option to pursue. Pursuit just because a unit has failed a break test is never mentioned in the rules.

Source: Rulebook pg. 43, 48

What formations may Carrion be placed in?

It is suggested that Carrion be fielded as "lose units", and kept within 2" of each other.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Is a Wraith, Wight Champion, or Wight Lord destroyed if they fail a break test?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does a Wraith Champion get a 2-handed weapon included automatically?

No, he must pay for it.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the -1 to hit affect the entire unit that the Zombie Dragon is fighting?

No, only those in base to base contact with the dragon.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the -1 to hit a Zombie Dragon in combat apply to its rider as well?


Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Do the new Dragon Rules apply to Zombie Dragons?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Wood Elves

May Wardancers use standards and gain normal bonuses from them?


Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves, p. 61

Does the initiative of the Wardancers determine when their special ability occurs, or does it occur before all attacks?

The special ability occurs before all attacks.

Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves, p. 46

Wardancers can use the Shadows Coil to end the combat in a draw. Does this result apply to just the Wardancers and their enemy, or all units involved in the combat?

The combat result is zero between Wardancers and their opponents alone, other unit's combat resolution is resolved normally.

Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves, p. 46

Do Glade Riders have to be in Skirmish formation to move through woods without penalty?


Source: Warhammer Design Team - p. 44 is correct, the statement on p. 66 is in error

Can Glade Riders skirmish if they are not armed with longbows?

Yes. Glade Riders may skirmish regardless of how they are equipped. The Woodelf Army List entry for Glade Riders should be considered in error and the Beastiary entry should be considered definitive.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Are Dryads immune to psychology?

No, the statement on p. 78 is in error

Source: Warhammer Design Team, White Dwarf #200, Q&A

Is a Dryad save modified by the strength of attacks made against it?

No, Dryads special save. It is unmodified by the strength of the attack and even saves against attacks that do not allow an armor save.

Source: White Dwarf #215, Q&A

May I field dryads alone or must I create units of at least five models ?

The unit must be at least 5 models.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a unit of dryads include a champion?

Only the special character Drycha may be used as a dryad champion with your opponent's permission. Champions must be of the same race as the unit and there are no dryad champions listed in the regular Wood Elf army list.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a unit of dryads include a musician and/or a regimental banner?

Yes. Unless specifically disallowed by a special rule, a unit can include a musician and/or a regimental banner of the same race.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Collar of Zorga affect Treemen?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

If pursuers catch a Treeman, does it fall over?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is Durthu rooted to the spot?


Source: White Dwarf #215, Q&A

Can Ariel be placed in a unit? Can her magic items be changed?

Yes and no.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation