Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

Magic Items - Frequently Asked Questions
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How do magical items interact with mundane weapons and special rules?

Magical item special rules override mundane weapon rules. Magical items override other special rules that come into conflict with them only if the result is 'bad' for the user of the magic item. So, for example, the effect of the Potion of Knowledge will effect a mage who is immune to psychology, as this is bad for the user of the item, but the Dread Banner will not effect an enemy unit that is immune to psychology, as this would not be bad for the user of the item (in fact it would be very good!). Please note that this is a guideline only, but it should help resolve most situations that occur in the correct 'spirit of the game'. We know this still allows the old 'item plus 2-h weapon combos', but we're not too worried about this, as they are rather limited in number and who can use them.

Source: Jervis Johnson

How do magical effects effect strike order?

Magical effects which allow a model to strike first take precedence over normal strike order, including charging, initiative and non-magical double-handed weapon penalties. If both models have first strike ability, then resolve in initiative order, or if the initiatives are equal, then roll a D6. This does not apply if the wielder has a magical weapon, in which case roll a D6 at the start of each combat phase to see which takes precedence.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Are characters limited on what magic items they can take (up to their maximum)?

All characters can take at most 1 magic or runic weapon (if Dwarven), 1 ward, 1 bound spell, 1 magic item from the magic armour category or 1 item of runic armour (if Dwarven) and, provided the character is a Battle Standard Bearer , 1 magic standard.

Source: Warhammer Magic, p. 30, 36 & 38 / Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

Do I have to tell my opponent what magic items my figures have?

No. Nowhere in the rules does it state that you have to do this, and there is a magic item whose power is to reveal enemy magic items.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

May an army have more than one of a particular magic item (such as Book of Ashur or Frostblade)?

No, the only exceptions to this are specifically stated. Some exceptions stated are Dispel Scrolls, Runefangs, the Dwarf Rune of Stone and Chaos Armour.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Empire, p. 17 / Warhammer Magic, p. 31

In a battle, can both opposing armies have the same unique magic item?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a unique magic item be reused between an army and its allies.


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the effects of a magic item be dispelled?

If the effects of the item are considered to be a bound spell, yes, otherwise no.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a character have 2 helms/crowns?

Assuming that it is otherwise legal, it is suggested that a character with one head should never be able to wear two helms or two crowns in the same battle. However, crowns can be worn with helms. See answer to above regarding how magic items interact with with other for more details.

Source: Jervis Johnson

Can magic items ever be turned off?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

There are many items which "kill" target (Master Rune of Death, Hellfire Sword, etc) but do not specify that the target must be a living model. Should "slain", "dead", etc be also interpreted as destroyed (like in the case of a war machine)?

Yes. Treat all "killed" or "dead" results as "destroyed." Some magic weapons and spells are so powerful that they will rip apart or obliterate wood and steel as easily as flesh.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Do magical item effects which require base contact, like the Black Gem of Gnar, work among models that are flying high?

Glancing blow rules are too ambiguous to resolve this question. If players cannot agree, roll a D6 at the start of the game. Items which directly affect the to hit, wound and save rolls would always apply.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

The Ring of Corin (or some equivalent) is used to destroy the Book of Ashur, what happens to the character who has it?

That character loses any magic level gained, and loses one randomly determined spell. The others are assumed to have been memorized by the spell caster, so he may continue to have them, even if not otherwise allowed to.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Games Day '97 Ruling

Does a mage using the Book of Ashur and Waaagh magic need to take a Waaagh test?

Only if he is an Orc or Goblin shaman.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does a wizard using the Book of Ashur gain the special abilities of the spell deck he is using?

No. Thus a wizard using the Book to get Necromantic spells cannot pick his spells, Dark Magic users cannot use dispels as power, High Magic users are not considered a higher level for purposes of dispelling, do not get an extra spell to discard at the start of the game and can not use power cards as dispels. Non-Skaven Warlocks would get no warpstone, non-Goblin shamans get no mushrooms.

Source: White Dwarf #215

Can a wizard using the Book of Ashur draw "Grey Seer Only" spells?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can Liches and Vampires use the Book of Nagash? Can Manfred Von Carstein use the Book of Nagash? How about Heinrich Kemmler?

Yes on all accounts. The Book of Nagash Magic Item card should allow Liches and Vampires to take it.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can Settra use The Carstein Ring?

No. The Carstein Ring is limited to (Vampire Only) Settra is allowed to use items that are limited to (Vampire, Liche or Necromancer only).

Source: Warhammer Armies: Undead, p. 96-97

Can the Chaos Familiar be used to modify a die roll that while directly affecting the character is made by the opposing player?

The die roll cannot be a die roll that the opponent makes.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the Ring of Corin be used to destroy familiars?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

What is the movement value of a mounted spell caster that has a familiar?

When a spell caster has a Familiar, and is mounted on a steed or monster it is assumed that the spell caster carries the Familiar with him. Therefore, the spell caster gets to move at the rate of his mount. When the spell caster stops moving, place the Familiar next to him.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Are Familiars considered as magic items, subject to the same limitations?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a mage with the Skull Staff force hidden Assassins with magic items to reveal themselves? Can that mage then target the Assassin with spells or missile fire? Can the Assassin 'surprise attack' that character?

The character knows that an Assassin is in the unit, but may not target the Assassin with spells or missile fire. The Assassin may not 'surprise attack' the character with the Skull Staff.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a Gyrocopter, engraved with the Rune of Disguise is within 12" of a character carrying the Skull Staff, can the character target the Gyrocopter for spells? For Missile Fire? Is the Gyrocopter revealed?

No, No, and No. Although the character 'knows' the Gyrocopter is there, and even roughly where it might be, he can't attack it because he can't actually see it.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Staff of Volans have to be used for every spell the Supreme Patriarch casts?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the automatic wound caused by the Talon of Death be saved?

Special saves only.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do these wounds apply towards combat resolution?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a character have two special saves.


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a Dwarf character use both the Rune of Spite and a Black Amulet?


Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

When is a special save made against weapons that cause multiple wounds or which have other magical effects?

Make the roll to save the wound before the magical effect or multiplication of wounds occurs.

A weapon with the Dwarf Rune of Smiting generates its multiple wounds before the special save. This rune is an exception to the way all other magic weapons are treated.

Source: Warhammer Magic, Warhammer Design Team / Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 26

Do wounds reflected by the Black Amulet affect combat resolution?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

A model with 4 attacks and 1 wound attacks another model that has a Black Amulet/Rune of Spite. What if the first attack wounds, ant that wound is rebounded onto the attacker, do the other attacks have any affect (is the attacker dead before his additional attacks)?

Yes. For a single model all to hits rolls are taken together, then all to wound rolls, then all saves for the victim. The only exception is when a model makes attacks with different initiative values (i.e. a character riding a monster, or in a chariot), in which case all attacks with the same initiative are made at the same time (i.e. for a character on a monster, roll the attacks for the character all together, and the attacks for the monster all together).

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Black Amulet only rebound wounds caused by hand-to-hand combat attacks, or does it rebound any wounds caused during the Close Combat Phase (does the Black Amulet rebound wounds caused by other Black Amulets and the Runes of Spite, spells that cause wounds in Close Combat Phase, etc.).

The Black Amulet only rebounds wounds cause by hand-to-hand combat attacks from other models, not wounds caused by 'devices' such as the Black Amulet or Rune of Spite. Spells that cause wounds during the Close Combat Phase would not be rebounded, although they may still be saved.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Crown of Sorcery allow the user to be a Necromancer (to select spells and recast spells)?

Yes, treat him as a Necromancer in all respects.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can characters locked in a time stasis by the Black Gem of Gnar be attacked by other models in play?

No. Once you use the Black Gem of Gnar, the affected models are effectively removed from the game and are ignored.

Source: White Dwarf #222

What happens when a unit champion or trooper is gemmed?

The unit is free to move and fight normally. If the effect of the gem wears off, then treat the champion or trooper as a stranded single character that must attempt to rejoin the unit whenver possible. Award victory points for the entire unit if it is defeated, even if a champion or a trooper model is still gemmed or stranded.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Can the Ring of Corin be used against the Black Gem?

Items that target magic items (to destroy/disable) can work against the Black Gem of Gnar before it is activated, but not after.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a spell caster use the Escape Card to avoid the Gem of Gnar?

No. The Escape Winds of Magic card can only be used when the spell caster would otherwise be killed, and the Black Gem of Gnar does not kill the spell caster.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

If a charging chariot hits a character with the Black Gem of Gnar, what happens?

The character with the Black Gem of Gnar can activate before he and his unit are run down by the chariot. Thus, the chariot/rider/harnessed beasts and the Black Gem of Gnar character are all frozen before the chariot causes any casualties.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a single character with the Black Gem of Gnar move into contact with a character in a unit and immediately lock that character in time?

The Gem bearer may activate the Gem as soon as he is in contact with an enemy model

Source: Magic Item Card

The Helm of Many Eyes allows a character to always strike first. What if he is armed with a 2-handed-weapon or Executioner's Axe?

Roll a D6 at the start of each combat to see which takes precedence.

Suggested Amendment: when armed with a non-magical double-handed weapon, magical first strike takes precedence. Roll a D6 at the start of each combat if the weapon is a magical weapon.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Can the Ring of Corin be used to destroy Chaos Rewards?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a mage is in base to base contact with the bearer of the Talisman of Obsidian, can he put Winds of Magic cards into a Power Familiar (or other power card holding device)?


Note, however, that the Wizard himself is no longer able to retain Winds of Magic cards.

Source: Warhammer Design Team / Magic Item Card

Can the Tomb King's Crown be used in conjunction with the Blessed Sword?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can the Skaven army have more than one Warpstone Charm?


Source: Warhammer Design Team and Warhammer Magic, p. 30

Can the Skaven Warpstone Charm be used to re-roll both dice in a break test, or only ever one single die?

Both dice can be re-rolled.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Staff of Nurgle affect Undead and ethereal troops?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is the wielder of the Cursed Book affected by it?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can any level warlock use Stormdaemon?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Talisman of Ravensdark/Scarecrow banner/etc - Do creatures which can fly, but are not (using legs to charge) still be effected by these?

Yes - these items effect all creatures capable of flight, regardless of their current mode of movement.

Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Do warpfire throwers, jezzail shots, Ikit Claw's pistol and PCB fumes affect Flesh Hounds?

No. The Collar of Khorne worn by Flesh Hounds neutralizes magical attacks. Skaven special weapons are considered magical due to warpstone.

Source: White Dwarf #222, Realms of Chaos

Can I drink the Potion of Strength at any time?

No. You must declare that you are drinking it at the start of your own turn.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Can a Battle Standard Bearer be of a specific race (say Forest Goblin) and take a race specific banner (say Spider Banner) and then join a unit of a different race (say Savage Orcs)?

Yes, however race specific effects, such as Night Goblins striking first with the Bad Moon Banner, will not affect other races, such as Orcs.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a character take a magic banner as one of his magic items?

Only the Battle Standard Bearer may take a magic standard as one of his magic items. Other than Battle Standard Bearer s, only unit standard bearers in units that are allowed magic standards may take magic standards.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

The Bad Moon Banner allows all the members of the unit to always strike first. What if they are armed with 2-handed-weapons?

Roll a D6 at the start of each combat to see which takes precedence. Suggested Amendment: Magical first strike ability allows models with non-magical double-handed weapons to strike first.

Source: White Dwarf #222

Does the Battle Banner +D6 combat resolution bonus modify all of my army's hand-to-hand combats?

No. The reference to 'side' in the Battle Banner card text is referring to the 'side' of the hand-to-hand combat that the Battle Banner is involved in. The Battle Banner bonus only applies when the character/unit carrying it is involved in the combat.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Hell Banner affect characters immune to psychology?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Mork's War Banner affect spell casting Daemons?

Yes, but only the figures in base to base contact with the bearer of the standard. Take these casualties at the beginning hand-to-hand combat every turn.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Mork's War Banner affect characters casting bound spells?

No. This includes characters using Aldred's Casket of Sorcery (assuming the Casket has captured a spell). Although the character is unharmed, roll a D6 to determine whether the item is destroyed.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Is the Standard of Shielding save a special save?


Source: Magic Item Card

Will a frenzied unit with the Banner of Defiance Pursue?

The magical banner prevents the frenzied unit from pursuing. As a house rule, it is suggested that you roll a D6 at the end of each round of combat. On a 1-3 the banner does not provide the unit with its magical benefits, and the unit's frenzy causes the unit to pursue. On a 4-6 the banner works and the frenzied unit will not pursue.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Is it possible to get an armour save better than 1+?

Yes, assuming the character is using the Master Rune of Adamant. In all other cases, even if circumstances would give the character a 0+ or better armour save, treat it as a 1+ armour save.

Source: Warhammer Design Team, Warhammer Magic, p. 36, Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, White Dwarf

Orcs & Goblins are not allowed to wear heavy armour. Can Orcs & Goblins characters get magic armour that is considered heavy armour?

Yes, the Orcs & Goblins characters can get any magic armour.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins, p. 82

A character is wearing the Armour of Fortune/Armour of Protection and has the Dawnstone, what armour saves does the Dawnstone allow to be re-rolled.

The Dawnstone only allows the original armour save to be re-rolled, not the special save. The Special save of the armour may still be made.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Shield of Ptolos allow a save against bolt throwers?

No. This is a classic example of how the fictional fluff must take a back seat to the rules where the two conflict. While the card suggests that the effect of the shield is to interfere with the shooter's aim, in actuality what is being conferred upon the bearer is a simple armour save, which a bolt thrower's bolts will ignore.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Does the Magic Arrow come with a bow so that it can be given to characters that don't normally have access to a bows?

Yes, this is specified on the card description for the magic item. Assume the character also has a supply of regular arrows.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the Sky arrow be shot at targets not flying high?

The Bow can be used, but the arrow's special abilities only work against targets flying high.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

A unit has a magic standard and the bearer of the sword of destruction is in base to base contact with the unit. Does the sword of destruction nullify the magic banner's abilities?

If the Sword of Destruction bearer is in base to base contact with the unit standard bearer, then the magic banner is nullified, otherwise it is not.

Note, if the magic banner is not affected by the sword of destruction, models in base to base contact with the Sword of Destruction bearer continue to gain the benefits of the magic banner.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

When the Sword of Destruction causes a wound, how do you determine which magic item is destroyed?

The wielder may pick from the known items, or may pick randomly.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Will a Sword of Destruction prevent a Carstein Ring from working?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Necromancer carry both the Sword of Unholy Power (as a Wizards Arcana) and another magic sword (from the Magic Weapons category)?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation, Magic Box Errata Sheet and item card

Is the Black Axe of Krell still 2 handed in 5th edition?


Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can I distribute the multiple hits of the hydra blade among several models?

No. If a weapon multiplies a hit, then the multiple hits are applied against a single model.

Source: White Dwarf #222

When is the Master Rune of Spite rebound roll made against weapons that cause multiple wounds?

If 1 wound will be turned into many wounds by the weapon, or some other magical effect will apply (such as a Frostblade's effect) make the roll to rebound the wound before the 1 wound is turned into many wounds or the magic takes effect, as per the Black Amulet. Thus, if the Master Rune of Spite rebounds a wound from a Frostblade, the attacker is not killed.

Note, a weapon with the Dwarf Rune of Smiting generates its multiple wounds before saves and rebounds can take effect. This rune is an exception to the way all other magic weapons are treated.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 26

Can a character use both the Master Rune of Spite and a Black Amulet?

No. A Dwarf Character cannot have 2 magic items of the same type.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

Does a character get the Master Rune of Spite rebound roll against weapons that say the defender gets no armour save, not even a magic armour save?

Yes. The special effect of the Master Rune of Spite is not considered an armour save.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 30

Can the Rune of Luck be used to re-roll any die roll in the game, or only die rolls that directly affect the character? What if the opposing player makes the die roll that directly affects the character?

The Rune of Luck can only modify die rolls that directly involve the character, and it cannot be a die roll that the opponent makes.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can the Master Rune of Flight pick out characters in units?


Source: Official Games Workshop FAQ

Does the Rune of Slowness stop a flying high charger D6" away?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Rune of Slowness affect magically transported troops?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Rune of Slowness affect Fanatics?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a Ring of Corin targets a war machine with runes inscribed upon it, does the Ring of Corin have to exceed the point cost of the war machine plus the runes, or just the point cost of the runes?

The Ring of Corin would have to exceed the point cost of the runes. The war machine would still operate after its runes have been removed.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can I put engineering runes on the Anvil of Doom?


Source: Warhammer Design Team

Can a Rune of Forging be put on a Flame Cannon or an Organ Cannon/gun?

The Warhammer Design Team have stated on more than one occasion (in both White Dwarf #201 and Citadel Journal #20) that the Rune of Forging cannot be placed on these warmachines. Under a strict interpretation of the wording in the Dwarf Army Book, it is permissible. It is suggested that players decide for themselves before playing whether they believe allowing this rune on these machines is unbalancing. One common house rule requires a separate Rune of Forging to be purchased for each barrel of the Organ gun. Another good house rule simply limits the Rune of Forging to one use per Rune per turn.

Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Can a Rune of Disguise be put on the Gyrocopter?

Yes, but once the Gyrocopter moves or shoots, it is visible for the rest of the game.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 29, White Dwarf #222

Can a Dwarf army have 2 cannons with the Rune of Forging?

The Rune of Forging can be on more than 1 cannon as long as the set of runes on each cannon is unique.
The uniqueness rule for runes applies to all runes other than the Rune of Stone; this means that it includes the war machine runes.

Therefore, 2 organ guns that just have the Rune of Forging are illegal. On the other hand, 1 organ gun with (Rune of Forging) and another organ gun with (Rune of Forging, Rune of Disguise) is legal.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24

When are Strength and Toughness reductions due to hits from the Curse rune applied?

Before any rolls to wound.

Source: Warhammer Design Team

Does the Master Rune of Death affect everything (characters, Daemons, Dragons, etc.)? If so, what is the good of the Master Rune of Dragon/Daemons Slaying?

The Master Rune of Death affects everything, as to the points value, we're happy with them!

Source: Warhammer Design Team

If a character has a runic device (weapon, armour, item) with multiple runes on it, how many magic items does it count as?

A runic item counts as a single magic item no matter how many runes are on it. Therefore, a Dwarf General can have 3 runic items with 3 runes apiece for a total of 9 runes held by 1 figure.

This also means that items that destroy/disable magic items will disable/destroy all runes on a given item.

Source: Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, p. 24