Declare all charges.
Declare all charge reactions.
Chargers take a terror or fear test if defenders cause terror or fear. If the test is failed and the chargers must flee, move during the Compulsory Movement phase.
Defenders take a terror or fear test if chargers cause terror or fear and are within charge range. Measure but do not move chargers to see if they can complete the charge. Defenders that fail a terror test, or that fail a fear test and are outnumbered, must flee. Move the defenders immediately.
Defenders take a panic test if already engaged in combat and charged in the flank or rear by a unit of 5+ models. Measure but do not move chargers to see if they can complete the charge. Defenders that fail a panic test must flee. Move the defenders immediately. If opposing units in base contact won the previous round of combat, the units may pursue. Work out the pursuit moves immediately.
Resolve stand and shoot missile fire. Remove casualties. If the charging unit panics, move during the Compulsory Movement phase.
Move units that declared Flee as the charge reaction. If the unit that is fleeing is engaged in combat, enemy units may pursue if they won the previous round of combat. Work out the pursuit immediately.
Chargers may redirect the charge to another unit if the enemy flees. Repeat all the above steps for a redirected charge. Enemy units that become chargeable because the fleeing unit moved out of the way cannot choose Stand and Shoot as the charge reaction.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition
Movement - Frequently Asked QuestionsURL Copied!
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What is the proper order for Declaring Charges?URL Copied!
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
What are the conditions for Rallying Fleeing Troops?URL Copied!
Only units with 25% or more of its original number of troops may attempt to rally. Units that panicked during this turn may not attempt to rally.
Associated characters, other than Champions, do not count towards the unit's original size in determining 25%.
A player may rally troops in any order he wishes - once a fleeing general is rallied, other fleeing troops may attempt to rally on his leadership if within 12 inches.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
What happens during Compulsory Movement?URL Copied!
All fleeing units are moved now. Units with mandatory movement rules are also moved now. Move the units in any order you wish.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
What is the proper order for moving chargers?URL Copied!
Measure and move charging units. Note that units moved during the Compulsory Movement phase may suddenly interefere with a charge, causing it to fail.
If a charging unit touches any model in a fleeing unit, the entire fleeing unit is destroyed. Charging units are moved their full movement through fleeing units.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
What happens during Remaining Movement?URL Copied!
Move remaining units.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
When is a model considered off the board?URL Copied!
When any part of its base is over the edge of the board.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
If a unit march moves this turn, and is engaged in hand-to-hand combat next turn, does it suffer any penalty?URL Copied!
No. If during its turn a unit march moves, and during the opponent's turn a unit engages it in hand-to-hand combat, it fights normally.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can a chariot model march move?URL Copied!
No. Note that the Dwarf Anvil of Doom is specifically excluded from this rule.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can a unit charge more than 1 enemy unit?URL Copied!
Yes, but unless the charging unit is able to contact all the enemies it declared its charge against, then count it as a failed charge. Note that if the charge fails the unit can't move closer than 1" to an enemy unit, even if said enemy was one of the units it declared a charge against (i.e. you must get all or none!)
Source: Warhammer Design Team
Can a character leave a unit and charge the enemy in the same turn?URL Copied!
No. Note, this rule does not apply to characters who are affected by frenzy or who have the Berserker Sword. Such characters MUST charge out of their units if they are in charge range of an enemy unit at the start of their turn.
Source: Rulebook, p. 61
How much of my unit has to be in contact with another unit before they are considered in hand-to-hand combat?URL Copied!
If any part of the charging unit makes contact with its target, align the units into combat with each other. It can happen that a situation is confusing because of interposing terrain or models which make it impossible to align the whole unit.
Source: Warhammer Design Team
When a creature flying high comes down into hand-to-hand combat with an enemy unit, and that unit chooses to flee, can it pursue or redirect its charge?URL Copied!
No, when a flying High figure comes down into hand-to-hand combat, it cannot pursue, and cannot redirect its charge.
Source: Rulebook, p. 73
Do stand and fire missile casualties apply towards combat resolution?URL Copied!
No, they can only cause a panic test (if 25% or more casualties caused). If the attacking unit fails its panic test, it flees instead of successfully charging the defender.
Source: Warhammer Design Team / Rulebook, p. 47
A unit has missile weapons that do not allow them to move and shoot. During their turn they move, and during the next opponents turn they are charged. Can they stand and shoot?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Design Team
Can a unit or lone character stand and shoot at enemy units charging its flank or rear?URL Copied!
No. In order to shoot at an enemy unit it has to be in the unit's field of view; enemy units that are charging a unit's flank or rear are not in that unit's field of view.
Source: Rulebook, p. 24
Can War Machines stand and shoot?URL Copied!
No, except Jezzails and Warpfire Throwers. Warpfire Throwers cannot stand and shoot at creatures that attack from flying high.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can a monster or Daemon with a breath weapon or other ranged attack stand and fire if charged?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Design Team
Can a character with a magic weapon, such as the Bow of Loren, stand and shoot using its magical effects?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Design Team
When you stand and shoot, how is it determined if its is long range or short range for the missile weapons?URL Copied!
Assuming the chargers began their charge move more than half their charge move away from the unit declaring stand and shoot, work out range for missile weapons at the actual range before chargers are moved. Missile weapons that are out of range before the chargers move are assumed to be fired or thrown as soon as the chargers come into range. In both cases, a -1 to hit modifier is applied in addition to any long range shooting penalty that may apply.
Source: Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation
Can you stand and fire at a unit or character who charges via magic?URL Copied!
No. The unit that is being attacked by the magically moved unit/character does not have time to react to the charge. This means that the only charge reaction allowed for magically moved attackers is 'hold'.
Source: Warhammer Design Team
When is the effect for a breath weapon worked out for stand and shoot?URL Copied!
If charging foe is within range when the charge is declared, the damage for the breath weapon is worked out before the charging unit moves. If the charging unit is not is range for the breath weapon, move the unit until the breath weapon template covers (50% or more of the base) members of the front rank of the unit, then work out damage.
Source: Warhammer Design Team
A unit charges an enemy unit with missile weapons. The charged unit decides to stand and shoot. The charge fails because the enemy is out of range. So, the charging unit is only moved at its normal movement. Can the charged unit still shoot?URL Copied!
Yes, as long as the enemy is within missile fire range after movement.
Source: Warhammer Design Team
Can a character armed with two pistols stand and shoot with both guns?URL Copied!
Source: Warhammer Design Team
Do Centaurs and Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaurs get the movement benefits of Fast Cavalry?URL Copied!
Source: White Dwarf #201