Several tests and declarations are made at the start of a player's turn. The following order is recommended:
General compulsory tests. Take them in the following order. Fleeing units do not test.
Panic due to friendly units fleeing nearby. Move during mandatory movement.
Terror due to nearby terror-causing models. Move during mandatory movement.
Stupidity. Move during mandatory movement.
Race specific compulsory tests. Take them in any order.
Orc and goblin Animosity. Move and fight immediately.
Daemon Animosity. Move immediately, fight Close Combat phase.
Beastmen Infighting.
Darkelf Disobedience. Move during mandatory movement.
Other compulsory tests. Take them in any order. Examples: Black Gem of Gnar, Storm Banner, Mork Wants Ya.
Note war machines recovering from misfires or loss of crew.
Optional declarations. Make them in any order. Examples: Sceptre of Norgrim, Potion of Strength.