Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

Playing a Game
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This seems as good a moment as any to talk about the spirit of the game and general conduct of play. A fantasy battle isn't like a game of chess or a card game, both of which have absolute rules and fixed parameters. The very process of playing Warhammer involves a certain amount of give-and-take and necessitates a degree of mutual co-operation if the game is to work at all.

It always helps to smooth things along if players are prepared to adopt a generous attitude when it comes to interpreting rules or moving troops in awkward circumstances. After all, if you are generous to your opponent he will be generous to you, and the game will proceed at a lively pace to the benefit of both sides.

A common convention, and one which we recommend to all players, is to roll dice to resolve any difficulties during the game rather than getting bogged down over a procedural dispute or rules point. If a situation arises that you cannot solve by quick reference to the rulebook, then either reach a compromise on the spot or, where this isn't possible, roll a D6 to decide which player's interpretation applies.

After the game, once the heat of battle has abated, you can discuss the decision in a more objective way, and decide what to do if the same situation arises again. This convention keeps the game moving and avoids pointless argument during play.

Groups of gamers will inevitably play in slightly different styles, perhaps interpreting the rules differently or adopting their own conventions, often without realising they are doing so. Some players will want to stick to the rules quite strictly, others will be happy to improvise as they go along. Both extremes and all shades inbetween are perfectly acceptable ways of playing the game, and both are equally rewarding in different ways.

When playing an opponent for the first time don't take it for granted that he will play exactly the way you are used to. Be prepared to make concessions in the interests of a good game. After all, if you make a friend then you've got yourself another regular opponent and you can look forward to many more games in the future.

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