In an Ambush one army is arrayed in column while his enemy attacks unexpectedly from prepared positions.
In an Ambush the players set up the scenery in a mutually agreeable manner leaving a clear path 12" wide extending right across the edge of the defender's side of the table. This is the path taken by the ambushed army.
Armies are chosen from the Warhammer Armies army lists to a points value agreed before the game. The ambushed side is allowed half as many points again as the ambusher - for example ambusher 2,000 points, ambushed 3,000 points.
The ambushed army is deployed along the clear path along the edge of the table no further than 12" from the edge and no closer than 12" to the side edges as shown below on the example tabletop map.
The ambushed player deploys his entire army first. Units of troops must be formed into columns no more than 3 models wide, facing in the direction of travel (either to the left or right - roll a dice to determine this). Individual models, war machines, etc, are also deployed facing the direction of travel. Once the ambushed player has finished deploying the ambusher is deployed no closer than 18" to the defender's set-up area and no closer than 12" to the side edges.
Special Deployment Rules
In an Ambush troops which would normally deploy in a special manner, such as Wood Elf Scouts, cannot do so. Effectively the whole ambushing army is setting up in an advantageous position, whilst the enemy has been caught napping.

The players elect to play for an agreed fixed number of turns or, alternatively, roll a D6 to dice how many turns to play. A score of 1-2 = 4 turns, 3-4 = 5 turns, 5-6 = 6 turns. The game continues until each side has taken the number of turns indicated, or until one player concedes.
Who Goes First
The ambusher takes the first turn.
War Machines
If the ambushed army includes war machines then the player cannot use them at all in his first turn. This includes chariots as well as cannons, stone throwers and such like. In his second turn they can only be used on the D6 roll of a 4+, and in his third turn they are used normally.
Unless one player concedes beforehand the winner is the player who has accumulated the most victory points at the end of the game. The standard victory points schedule is used except that no account is taken of possession of table quarters control of the battlefield being secondary to the main objectives of destruction and survival.