Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 5th Edition

How Spells Work
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Each wizard has his own magic spells in the form of spell cards. In the magic phase of his own turn a wizard may cast any or all of his spells once.

In order to cast a spell a wizard must expend power. The amount of power available to each side is determined by dealing winds of magic cards to both players at the start of each magic phase. Some winds of magic cards represent power, others represent counter magic in the form of dispels of one kind or another as we shall see later.

During his own magic phase a player casts spells with his wizards, expending power from his hand of cards as he does so. As each spell is cast his opponent can make one attempt to dispel it.

At the end of the magic phase players may retain unused winds of magic cards in their hand for use in following turns. Each side can retain up to a maximum number of one winds of magic card for each wizard in the army. This encourages players to consider their magical strategy and plan ahead, either to 'power up' a big spell or build up a good hand of counter magic to oppose the enemy.

Previous - Overview

Next - The Magic Phase Sequence